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Ice Navigation in Canadian Waters
Annex II Reference material

Table of Contents

Annex II Reference material

2.1 Navigational charts and nautical publications

According to the Navigation Safety Regulations, 2020, Division 6, made under the Canada Shipping Act, 2001, the mariner and authorized representative of a vessel must ensure that the most recent versions of charts, documents and publications, in respect of each area where the vessel is scheduled to be navigated, are kept on board. Some exceptions apply.

For the latest information on official paper charts, S-57 vector Electronic Navigational Charts (ENC), BSB Raster Navigational Charts (RNC) and nautical publications, as well as a list of authorized Canadian Hydrographic Service dealers worldwide, please visit Canadian Hydrographic Service or contact:

Canadian Hydrographic Service
200 Kent Street (12th floor W)
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada K1A 0E6
Attention: Client Services
Phone: 1-866-546-3613

2.2 Ice information

For the latest information and publications related to ice conditions in Canadian waters, please visit ECCC’s Latest ice conditions or contact:

Environment Canada,
Canadian Ice Service
719 Heron Rd, Annex E
Ottawa, Ontario,
Canada, K1A 0H3

The following is a list of publications also providing ice information:

2.3 Navigation

For the latest TC publications on the subject, please visit the Marine Safety Publications.

An example of some publications related to navigation in ice is listed below:

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