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Archived - Icebreaker Requirements 2017-2022
7. Conclusion

Table of Contents

The Coast Guard revised the original Joint Industry Coast Guard Icebreaker Requirements in order to respond to changes in sea ice conditions, traffic patterns and fleet capacity. The goal is to ensure that the icebreaking services provided to clients are affordable and deliverable. The Coast Guard must consider its current and future situation with regard to financial resources and vessel availability. The icebreaker deployment plan described under Annex A is the basis for fleet operational and capital planning; however, the actual service delivery may differ from year to year due to unforeseen or unavoidable circumstances. To ensure these requirements best reflect the evolving needs of icebreaking clients and changing ice conditions, this document will continue to be formally reviewed every five years via the mechanisms afforded by the NMAB. This will also ensure that resources are aligned to evolving requirements, rather than a deployment based on historical or traditional usage.

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