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Radio Aids to Marine Navigation 2024
Part 3: Vessel Traffic Services

The purpose of this section is to describe to shipboard personnel the ship reporting procedures to be followed by vessels when within or intending to enter a Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) zone.

3.1 Canadian Coast Guard Responsibilities

There is no intention on the part of the Canadian Coast Guard to attempt to navigate or manœuvre ships from a shore station and nothing in this publication overrides the authority of the master of their responsibility for the safe navigation of their ship. Information passed to the master is intended to assist them in the safe conduct of their ship.

An MCTS officer may, with respect to any vessel of a prescribed class that is about to enter or is within a VTS zone:

  1. grant a clearance to the vessel to enter, leave or proceed within the VTS zone;
  2. direct the master, pilot or person in charge of the deck watch of the vessel to provide any pertinent information in respect of that vessel that may be specified in the direction;
  3. direct the vessel to use any radio frequencies in communications with coast stations or other vessel that may be specified in the direction; and
  4. direct the vessel at the time, between the times or before or after any event that may be specified in the direction;
    1. to leave a VTS zone,
    2. to leave or refrain from entering any area within a VTS zone that may be specified in the direction, or
    3. to proceed to or remain at any location within a VTS zone that may be specified in the direction.

A vessel, as well as the master, pilot or person in charge of the deck watch of a vessel, shall comply with a direction given to it or them by an MCTS officer. Notwithstanding, the master, pilot or person in charge of the deck watch may take any action that may be required to ensure the safety of life, the ship or any other ship.

The master of a ship shall ensure that before the ship enters a VTS zone the ship’s radio equipment is capable of receiving and transmitting radio communications on the appropriate VTS sector frequency.

3.2 Traffic Clearance

A “traffic clearance” is an authorization for a ship to proceed subject to such conditions as may be included in the authorization. The traffic clearance is predicated upon ship report information and known waterway/traffic conditions. A traffic clearance does not eliminate the need for other authorizations required by legislation or by laws.

Should any factor upon which the traffic clearance is predicated alter to the detriment of safe navigation, the traffic clearance may be delayed or other conditions may be attached to the traffic clearance.

A traffic clearance is required prior to:

  1. entering a VTS zone;
  2. commencing a departure manœuvre;
  3. commencing a manœuvre that may be detrimental to safe navigation; and
  4. proceeding after being stranded, stopped due to breakdown of main propulsion machinery or steering gear, or involved in a collision.

3.3 Communications

Radiotelephone procedures used in communicating with an MCTS Centre are those specified by the International Telecommunications Union in the “Manual for Use by the Maritime Mobile and Maritime Mobile Satellite Services”.

A continuous listening watch shall be maintained on the appropriate VTS sector frequency on radio equipment located:

  1. at any place on board the ship, where the ship is at anchor or moored to a buoy; and
  2. in the vicinity of the ship’s conning position, where the ship is underway.

A continuous listening watch may be suspended if an MCTS officer directs the ship to communicate with coast stations and/or other ship stations on a different VHF radio frequency.

All times given in local VTS zone reports should be in local time and in accordance with the 24-hour clock system.

Navigation safety calls on designated VTS sector frequencies should be kept to the minimum consistent with the safety requirement of the situation.

3.3.1 Communication Difficulties

Where a ship, for any reason other than ship board radio equipment failure is unable to obtain the required traffic clearance or after receiving a traffic clearance, is unable to maintain direct communication with the appropriate MCTS Centre, the master may nevertheless proceed on their route, but shall take all reasonable measures to communicate with the appropriate MCTS Centre as soon as possible and obtain the specified clearance.

3.3.2 Ship Board Radio Communications Equipment Malfunction

In the event of a ship board radio communications equipment failure where the ship is unable to obtain the required traffic clearance or after receiving a traffic clearance, is unable to maintain direct communication with the appropriate MCTS Centre, the vessel shall:

  1. if it is in a port or anchorage where repairs can be made, remain in the port until the vessel is able to establish communications in accordance with the Canada Shipping Act, 2001, Part 5, Section 126 (6)(a); or
  2. if it is not in a port or anchorage where repairs can be made, proceed to the nearest reasonably safe port or anchorage on its route and remain there until the vessel is able to establish communications in accordance with the Canada Shipping Act, 2001, Part 5, Section 126 (6)(b).

3.4 Offshore Systems

3.4.1 Zone Description Eastern Canada

The Eastern Canada VTS zone consists of the Canadian waters on the east coast of Canada south of the 60th parallel of north latitude and in the St. Lawrence River east of 66°00' west longitude except the waters within Ungava Bay and the waters within the VTS zones referred to in the Vessel Traffic Services Zones Regulations.

Figure 3-1 - Vessel Traffic Services - Atlantic Coast

Figure 3-1 Atlantic Coast VTS ECAREG (chart) described below
Text description of Figure 3-1 Vessel Traffic Services Atlantic Coast

This map displays a map of eastern Canada. Shown on the map are the Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) zones of Atlantic Canada. Highlighted in the colour pink, are the waters which fall under ECAREG - the Eastern Canada Vessel Traffic Services zone regulations. The ECAREG zone consists of the Canadian waters on the east coast of Canada south of the sixtieth parallel of north latitude and in the St. Lawrence River east of 66° 00' west longitude except the waters within Ungava Bay and the waters within the Vessel Traffic Services zones referred to in the Vessel Traffic Services Zone Regulations. Various sized rectangular shapes indicate the local VTS zones in Port aux Basques, St. John’s and Placentia, Newfoundland, and in Nova Scotia at the Strait of Canso and Halifax and in New Brunswick at Saint John. There is also a VTS zone in the Northumberland Strait, which separates Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Western Canada

VTS zones in Western Canada include all Canadian waters on the west coast of Canada as described in the VTS zone schedules of this Part and referred to in the Vessel Traffic Services Zones Regulations.

Figure 3-2 - Canada/United States Co-operative Vessel Traffic Management System

Figure 3-2 Canada/United States Co-operative Vessel Traffic Management System - Areas of operation by centre described below
Text description of Figure 3-2 Canada/United States Co-operative Vessel Traffic Management System

This coloured map entitled “Canada / United States Co-operative Vessel Traffic Management System” describes the area of operation by centre for Victoria, Seattle, Prince Rupert. A complete description can be found under Section 3.6.1 Co-Operative Vessel Traffic Services (CVTS) Agreement. Northern Canada

The Northern Canada Vessel Traffic Services (NORDREG) zone consists of:

  1. the shipping safety control zones prescribed by the Shipping Safety Control Zones Order Footnote 1;
  2. the waters of Ungava Bay, Hudson Bay and Kugmallit Bay that are not in a shipping safety control zone;
  3. the waters of James Bay;
  4. the waters of Koksoak River from Ungava Bay to Kuujjuaq;
  5. the waters of Feuilles Bay from Ungava Bay to Tasiujaq;
  6. the waters of Chesterfield Inlet that are not within a shipping safety control zone and the waters of Baker Lake; and
  7. the waters of Moose River from James Bay to Moosonee.

Figure 3-3 - Vessel Traffic Services - Northern Canada (NORDREG) Zone

Figure 3-3 Northern Canada Vessel Traffic Services (NORDREG) Zone (chart) described below
Text description of Figure 3-3 Vessel Traffic Services Northern Canada (NORDREG) Zone

This map displays the Northern Canada Vessel Traffic Services Zone – also referred to as NORDREG – which is administered by the Canadian Coast Guard’s Marine Communications and Traffic Services (MCTS) Centre located at Iqaluit. The zone includes: the shipping safety control zones prescribed by the Shipping Safety Control Zones Order; the waters of Ungava Bay, Hudson Bay and Kugmallit Bay that are not in a shipping safety control zone; the waters of James Bay; the waters of the Koksoak River from Ungava Bay to Kuujjuaq; the waters of Feuilles Bay from Ungava Bay to Tasiujaq; the waters of Chesterfield Inlet that are not within a shipping safety control zone, and the waters of Baker Lake; and the waters of the Moose River from James Bay to Moosonee.

3.5 Local Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) Zones

With respect to the VTS zones specified in the Vessel Traffic Services Zones Regulations, these regulations apply in respect of:

  1. every ship 20 metres or more in length;
  2. every ship engaged in towing or pushing any vessel or object, other than fishing gear, where;
    • the combined length of the ship and any vessel or object towed or pushed by the ship is 45 metres or more in length, or
    • the length of the vessel or object being towed or pushed by the ship is 20 metres or more in length.

With respect to the VTS zones specified in the Vessel Traffic Services Zone Regulations, these regulations do not apply in respect of:

  1. a ship engaged in towing or pushing any vessel or object within a log booming ground;
  2. a pleasure yacht that is less than 30 metres in length; and
  3. a fishing vessel that is less than 24 metres in length and not more than 150 tons gross tonnage.

Participation is mandatory.

3.5.1 Local Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) Zone Reports

With respect to local VTS zones as prescribed in the Vessel Traffic Services Zone Regulations, the master of the ship shall report to an MCTS officer in accordance with the following requirements:

3.5.2 Information Required

Dependent upon the reporting requirement, the following information may be required to be reported:

  1. the name of the ship;
  2. the radio call sign of the ship;
  3. the position of the ship;
  4. the estimated time that the ship will enter the VTS zone;
  5. the destination of the ship;
  6. the estimated time that the ship will arrive at its destination;
  7. whether any pollutant or dangerous goods cargo is carried on board the ship or any vessel or object being towed or pushed by the ship;
  8. the estimated time that the ship will depart the berth; and
  9. the estimated time at which the ship will next arrive at a location requiring a report.

3.5.3 Entering a Zone

At least 15 minutes before a ship intends to enter a VTS zone, a report shall be made specifying the information listed in a), b), c), d), e), f) and g).

Exception: Ships already in possession of a valid Traffic Clearance issued by ECAREG, NORDREG or VTS Offshore are not required to provide this report.

Note: Exception: Ships already in possession of a valid Traffic Clearance issued by ECAREG, NORDREG or VTS Offshore are not required to provide this report. Arrival at a Calling-In-Point (CIP)

When a ship arrives at a CIP a report shall be made specifying the information listed in a), c) and i). Arrival at Berth

As soon as practicable after a ship arrives at a berth, a report shall be made specifying the information listed in a) and c). Departure Manœuvre

Departure manœuvre is defined as an operation during which a vessel leaves a berth and gets safely underway:

  1. immediately before commencing a departure manœuvre, a report shall be made specifying the information listed in a), b), c), e), f), g) and h);
  2. immediately after completing the departure manœuvre, a report shall be made specifying the information listed in a), c) and i). Manœuvres

A traffic clearance is required 15 minutes prior to commencing any manœuvre such as:

  1. a compass adjustment;
  2. the calibration and servicing of navigational aids;
  3. a sea trial;
  4. a dredging operation; and
  5. the laying, picking up and servicing of submarine cables; or any other manœuvre that may be detrimental to safe navigation.

Prior to commencing a manœuvre a report shall be made specifying the information listed in a) and c), plus a description of the intended manœuvre.

As soon as practical after the manœuvre is completed, a report describing the manœuvre just completed shall be made.

3.5.4 Variations from Requirement

Ferries and other vessels on regularly scheduled voyages may be exempted from making routine reports. Formal variations to reporting procedures will be granted only where alternate arrangements to provide essential information are made and where the equivalent procedure or practice is deemed to be as safe as that required in the regulations.

Formal variations may be obtained by submitting a written request to the appropriate Regional MCTS Superintendent, Canadian Coast Guard (see Section 1.7).

In circumstances other than those described above, informal variations may be granted from time to time on a one time only basis by an MCTS officer where the procedure or practice requested is deemed to be as safe as that required in the regulations.

3.5.5 Change in Information

A report shall be made whenever a significant change occurs in the information previously provided in any report made pursuant to the Vessel Traffic Services Zones Regulations.

3.5.6 Non-Routine Reports

Pursuant to the Vessel Traffic Services Zones Regulations, a report indicating the vessel’s name, position and a description of the incident shall be made prior to the vessel proceeding as soon as the master becomes aware of any of the following conditions:

  1. the occurrence on board the ship of any fire;
  2. the involvement of the ship in a collision, grounding or striking;
  3. any defect in the ship's hull, main propulsion systems or steering systems, radars, compasses, radio equipment, anchors or cables;
  4. any discharge or probable discharge of a pollutant from the ship into the water;
  5. another ship in apparent difficulty;
  6. any obstruction to navigation;
  7. any aid to navigation that is functioning improperly, damaged, off-position or missing;
  8. the presence of any pollutant in the water;
  9. the presence of a ship that may impede the movement of other ships; and
  10. any ice and weather conditions that are detrimental to safe navigation.


Items f), g) and h) are not required if the information has been previously promulgated by a Navigational Warning.

Mariners are encouraged to provide, on a voluntary basis, any information pertaining to charts and publications which may not be on board so that arrangements can be made to embark the necessary items.

3.6 Additional Reporting Requirements

3.6.1 Co-Operative Vessel Traffic Services (CVTS) Agreement

In 1979, by formal agreement, the Canadian Coast Guard and the United States Coast Guard established the Co-operative Vessel Traffic Services (CVTS) for the Strait of Juan de Fuca region. The purpose of this agreement is to provide for a co-operative system of vessel traffic management in the applicable waters in order to enhance safe and expeditious movement of vessel traffic while minimizing the risk of pollution of the marine environment.

Participation with Prince Rupert, Seattle and Victoria Traffic is mandatory within Canadian and United States territorial waters. The CVTS Area of Operation is defined as 124°40W south along the Washington coast to 48°00N then west to 125°15W and north to 48°35’45”N. Inbound vessels are to check in with Prince Rupert Traffic on VHF Channel 74 (156.725 MHz) at either 48°00N or 125°15W prior to entering the traffic separation scheme. An information service such as a vessel’s identity, destination, or other information obtained through the VTS reports and sensors, is available upon request outside of the VTS zone.

All communications with Seattle, Prince Rupert or Victoria Traffic must be made in clear, unbroken English. At least one person capable of conducting two-way radio communications using the English language must be present on the bridge at all times within the Co-operative VTS area. When language problems do arise, communications may be preceded by using message markers as found in the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Standard Marine Communication Phrases (SMCP). Prince Rupert Traffic

West Coast Approaches to Juan de Fuca Strait.

Vessel Traffic Services from 124°40’00W in Juan de Fuca Strait westward to 125°15’00”W, and intersecting to the south to 48°00N from the west coast of Washington State are provided by the CCG from the Prince Rupert MCTS Centre located in Prince Rupert, B.C.

All communications with vessels in these areas will be conducted on VHF Ch74 (156.725 MHz). Seattle Traffic

Juan de Fuca Strait

Vessel Traffic Services in the area containing all Canadian and United States waters from 124°40’00’’W which intersects the Canadian and United States shorelines thence easterly through the Juan de Fuca Strait, including all waters south and east of a line from Church Point to Race Rocks light to the intersection of the Canada/United States International boundary to Hein Bank light and bell buoy to Cattle Point, and south of a line from Patos Island to Alden Bank lighted gong buoy "A" and north to the 49th parallel, including the United States Gulf Island waters are provided by the United States Coast Guard from the Puget Sound VTS Center located in Seattle, WA (Seattle Traffic).

All communications with vessels in these areas will be conducted on VHF Ch05A (156.250 MHz). Victoria Traffic

Haro Strait and Approaches, Boundary Pass, South Portion Strait of Georgia

Vessel Traffic Services in the area containing all Canadian and United States waters north and east of a line from Church Point to Race Rocks light to the intersection of the Canada/United States International boundary to Hein Bank light and bell buoy to Cattle Point including all of Haro Strait, Boundary Passage and the southern portion of the Strait of Georgia are provided by the Canadian Coast Guard from the Victoria MCTS Centre located at Patricia Bay, B.C. (Victoria Traffic).

All communications with vessels in these areas will be conducted on VHF Ch11 (156.55 MHz).

3.6.2 Western Canada – Turn Point Special Operating Area

The Turn Point Special Operating Area (SOA) has been established to enhance order and predictability, the efficient and safe movement of goods and services, and to further reduce the risk of accidents with respect to vessels transiting the boundary waters of Haro Strait and Boundary Passage in the vicinity of Turn Point on Stuart Island, Washington

The Turn Point SOA consists of those Canadian and United States waters contained within a four (4) sided area connected by the following coordinates:

  • 48°41.324N 123°14.245W (Turn Point Light, LL255/US 19790);
  • 48°42.400N 123°13.967W;
  • 48°41.087N 123°17.631W (Arachne Reef Light, LL254.3);
  • 48°39.732N 123°16.438W (Tom Point Light, LL225). Application

These procedures apply to all Canadian and United States VTS participant vessels within or approaching the Turn Point SOA from Boundary Passage, southbound for Haro Strait; and from Haro Strait, northbound for Boundary Passage or Swanson Channel, however, they do not apply to vessels southbound out of Swanson Channel. Movement Procedures

  1. A VTS participant, if towing astern, do so with as short a hawser as safety and good seamanship permits.
  2. A VTS participant of 100 metres or more in length (LOA) will make best efforts consistent with safety and industry practices:
    • not to enter the Turn Point SOA when another VTS participant of 100 metres or more in length is already located within the SOA, unless;
      • when following astern a minimum .5NM (5 cables) separation is maintained with the vessel ahead,
      • when overtaking in the SOA with the concurrence of Victoria MCTS that there is no opposing traffic and a CPA of at least .5NM (5 cables) is maintained,
      • if outbound from Boundary Pass and meeting an inbound vessel from Haro Strait already in the SOA, enter only after the outbound vessel is past the vector heading of the inbound vessel engaged in the turn and maintain at least a .5NM (5 cables) CPA,
      • if inbound from Haro Strait and meeting an outbound vessel from Boundary Pass already in the SOA, enter only after the outbound vessel has crossed a bearing line between Turn Point and Arachne Reef and maintain at least a .5NM (5 cables) CPA;
    • maintain a distance off of Turn Point of at least .3 NM (3 cables).

All VTS participants approaching the Turn Point SOA are expected to make safe passing arrangements with other VTS participants at either Monarch Head or Blunden Islet southbound; and Lime Kiln Light (LL222/US19695) or Kellett Bluff Light (LL229/US19720) northbound. These arrangements should be made no later than reaching CIP 6 at Gowlland Point (LL253/US19800) southbound and approximately abeam Danger Shoal Light and Horn Buoy (US19775) northbound.

3.6.3 Western Arctic – Mackenzie River Marine Safety Advisory Procedures

For the purpose of enhancing navigation safety on the Mackenzie River, danger areas have been designated and reporting procedures established for vessels in these areas.

At their discretion, vessels transiting the danger zones (1-10) listed below shall broadcast a safety advisory including their position on CH16 to advise other vessels in the area:

  1. Wrigley Harbour to Horn River
    1. Downbound traffic reports in at Mile 0 and out at Mile 65.
    2. Upbound traffic reports in at Mile 65 and out at Mile 0.
  2. Head of the Line to Fort Simpson
    1. Downbound traffic reports in at Mile 130 and reports out at Mile 205.
    2. Upbound traffic reports in at Mile 205 and out at Mile 130.
  3. Camsell Bend to Jones Landing
    1. Downbound traffic reports in at Mile 282 and out at Mile 325.
    2. Upbound traffic reports in at Mile 325 and out at Mile 282.
  4. Blackwater River to Old Fort Point
    1. Downbound traffic reports in at Mile 400 and out at Mile 480
    2. Upbound traffic reports in at Mile 480 and out at Mile 400.
  5. Sans Sault Rapids
    1. Downbound traffic reports in at Mile 620 and out at Mile 645.
    2. Upbound traffic reports in at Mile 645 and out at Mile 620.
  6. Ramparts Rapids
    1. Downbound traffic reports in at Mile 667 and out at Mile 680.
    2. Upbound traffic reports in at Mile 680 and out at Mile 667.
  7. Oniak Channel
    1. Traffic reports in when entering the Oniak Channel from the following channels: Middle Channel, Luker Channel and East Channel.
    2. Traffic reports out when leaving the Oniak Channel to the following channels: Middle Channel, Luker Channel and East Channel.
  8. East Channel – Inuvik to Tununuk
    1. Downbound traffic reports when leaving Inuvik and out when either entering Oniak Channel or at Mile 1040.
    2. Upbound traffic for Inuvik reports in at Mile 1040 or when entering from the Oniak Channel and reports arrival at Inuvik.
  9. East Channel – Kittigazuit
    1. Downbound traffic reports in at Mile 1070 and out at the fairway buoy at Mile 1081.
    2. Upbound traffic reports in at the fairway buoy at Mile 1081 and out at Mile 1070.

Any other restricted channels in the Mackenzie Delta at their own discretion.

All vessels should maintain a continuous radio watch on the Western Arctic Emergency and Calling Frequency, 5803 kHz (SSB), from the time that they reach the first reporting point previous to entering a danger area until the time that they report clear of the danger area.

The Safety Advisory calls should consist of the following information:

  1. name of towing vessel and number of barges in the tow and whether riding high or low;
  2. direction of voyage i.e. northbound, southbound, etc.;
  3. danger zone;
  4. mileage;
  5. time; and
  6. remarks.


All Stations, All Stations this is Kitikmeot, southbound with 6 barges riding high, entering Area 6 at Mile 680, 1030 Local estimating Mile 660 at 1530 local over Contact/Delivery of Safety Advisory

At any time, vessels can obtain information on any known traffic in the Mackenzie River by contacting MCTS Iqaluit.

Iqaluit MCTS Centre
Telephone: 867-979-0310
Facsimile: 867-979-4264
Telex (Telefax): 063-15529
Telegraphic Identifier: NORDREG CDA

3.7 Zone Application

3.7.1 Offshore Systems Eastern Canada Vessel Traffic Services Zone (ECAREG)

With respect to the Eastern Canada VTS zone, the Eastern Canada Vessel Traffic Services Zone Regulations apply in respect of:

  1. every ship of 500 tons gross tonnage or more;
  2. every ship that is engaged in towing or pushing a vessel, where the combined tonnage of the ship and the vessel being towed or pushed is 500 tons gross tonnage or more; or
  3. every ship carrying a pollutant or dangerous goods, or engaged in towing or pushing a vessel carrying a pollutant or dangerous goods as prescribed in the;
    1. International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code, and
    2. Vessel Pollution and Dangerous Chemicals Regulations.

Participation is mandatory. Western Canada (VTS Offshore)

With respect to the Western Canada VTS zones, the Vessel Traffic Services Zones Regulations require a report to be made at least 24 hours before the ship enters a VTS zone from seaward including Alaska, or as soon as possible where the estimated time of arrival at that VTS zone is less than 24 hours after the ship departs from the last port of call, where the ship is:

  1. of 500 tons gross tonnage or more;
  2. engaged in towing or pushing a vessel, where the combined tonnage of the ship and the vessel being towed or pushed is 500 tons gross tonnage or more; or
  3. carrying a pollutant or dangerous goods, or engaged in towing or pushing a vessel carrying a pollutant or dangerous goods as prescribed in the;
    1. International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code, and
    2. Vessel Pollution and Dangerous Chemicals Regulations.

Participation is mandatory. Northern Canada Vessel Traffic Services Zone (NORDREG)

With respect to the Northern Canada VTS zone (NORDREG), the Northern Canada Vessel Traffic Services Zone Regulations apply to the following classes of vessels:

  1. vessels of 300 tons gross tonnage or more;
  2. vessels that are engaged in towing or pushing another vessel, if the combined gross tonnage of the vessel and the vessel being towed or pushed is 500 tons gross tonnage or more; and
  3. vessels that are carrying as cargo, a pollutant or dangerous goods, or that are engaged in towing or pushing a vessel that is carrying as cargo a pollutant or dangerous goods.

Participation is mandatory.

3.8 Advance Reporting Requirements

A report shall be made whenever a significant change occurs in the information previously provided in any report as part of the Advance Reporting Requirements.

3.8.1 VTS Offshore Zone Report

The VTS Offshore report shall be completed using the electronic form. The VTS Offshore report shall be communicated directly to Prince Rupert MCTS Centre at or to the nearest CCG MCTS Centre.

Dependent upon the reporting requirement, various elements of the following may be required to be reported.

  1. the name of the ship;
  2. the radio call sign of the ship;
  3. the name of the master of the ship;
  4. the position of the ship;
  5. the time (UTC) the ship arrived at the position;
  6. the course of the ship, if any;
  7. the speed of the ship, if any;
  8. the prevailing weather conditions (including ice if applicable);
  9. the estimated time (UTC) that the ship will enter the VTS Zone;
  10. the name of the VTS zone the ship intends to enter;
  11. the destination of the ship;
  12. the estimated time (UTC) of arrival of the ship at the destination;
  13. the intended route of the ship;
  14. the name of the last port of call of the ship;
  15. the draught of the ship;
  16. any dangerous goods, listed by class, or pollutant, that is carried on board the ship or a vessel being towed or pushed by the ship:
    1. the type and amount of any oil that is carried in bulk in the ship’s hold;
    2. the type and amount of any oil to be unloaded from or loaded into the ship’s hold at the port or the marine installation:
  17. any defect in the ship's hull, main propulsion systems or steering systems, radars, compasses, radio equipment, anchors or cables;
  18. any discharge, or threat of discharge, of a pollutant from the ship into the water, and any damage to the ship that may result in the discharge of a pollutant from the ship into the water;
  19. the name of the Canadian or United States agent of the ship; and
  20. the date of expiration of the following certificate:
    1. the certificate referred to in Article VII of the International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, 1969/1992;
    2. the International Oil Pollution Prevention;
    3. the International Pollution Prevention Certificate for the Carriage of Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk;
    4. the Certificate of Fitness and the Certificate of Compliance, if any issued to the ship.

    The following is also requested:
    1. the date and expiration of the ISM Safety Management Certificate:
    2. the ISM document of compliance;
    3. the International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage, 2001 Certificate (known as Bunkers Convention Certificate), if any, issued to the ship;
    4. Certificate of Insurance or Other Financial Security in Respect of Liability for the Removal of Wrecks.

3.8.2 ECAREG Zone Report

ECAREG zone reports shall be completed using the electronic form. All reports shall be communicated directly to ECAREG via email to or to the nearest CCG MCTS Centre. All times given in ECAREG zone reports shall be Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Dependent upon the reporting requirement, various elements of the following may be required to be reported.

  1. the name of the ship;
  2. the radio call sign of the ship;
  3. the name of the master of the ship;
  4. the position of the ship;
  5. the time (UTC) the ship arrived at the position;
  6. the course of the ship, if any;
  7. the speed of the ship, if any;
  8. the prevailing weather conditions (including ice if applicable);
  9. the estimated time (UTC) that the ship will enter the Eastern Canada VTS Zone;
  10. the estimated time that the ship will depart the berth;
  11. the destination of the ship;
  12. the estimated time (UTC) of arrival of the ship at the destination;
  13. the route the ship intends to take through the Eastern Canada VTS zone to arrive at the destination;
  14. the name of the last port of call of the ship;
  15. the draught of the ship;
  16. any dangerous goods, listed by class, or pollutant, that is carried on board the ship or a vessel being towed or pushed by the ship;
  17. revoked;
  18. any defect in the ship's hull, main propulsion systems or steering systems, radars, compasses, radio equipment, anchors or cables;
  19. any discharge, or threat of discharge, of a pollutant from the ship into the water, and any damage to the ship that may result in the discharge of a pollutant from the ship into the water;
  20. the name of the Canadian or United States agent of the ship; and
  21. the date of expiration of the following certificate:
    1. the certificate referred to in Article VII of the International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, 1969/1992;
    2. the International Oil Pollution Prevention;
    3. the International Pollution Prevention Certificate for the Carriage of Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk;
    4. the Certificate of Fitness and the Certificate of Compliance, if any issued to the ship.

    The following is also requested:
    1. the date and expiration of the ISM Safety Management Certificate;
    2. the ISM document of compliance;
    3. the International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage, 2001 Certificate (known as Bunkers Convention Certificate), if any, issued to the ship;
    4. Certificate of Insurance or Other Financial Security in Respect of Liability for the Removal of Wrecks. Prior to Entering the Zone

A report containing all the required information listed, except item j), shall be made 24 hours prior to entering the zone, or as soon as practical where the estimated time of arrival of the ship at the zone is less than 24 hours after the time the ship departed for the last port of call.

This report is not required where:

  1. the ship is on a voyage between two ports within the zone; and
  2. the ship is entering the zone directly from the Northern Canada Vessel Traffic Service zone, and is in possession of a valid NORDREG Clearance. Entering at Zone Boundary

A report containing the required information listed in a), b), d), h) and i), shall be made immediately before the ship crosses the zone boundary when entering the zone.

This report is not required when entering directly from a local VTS zone. Arrival at Berth

A report containing the required information listed in a) and b), as well as the following information:

  1. port of arrival; and
  2. time of arrival;

shall be made on arrival of the ship at a berth. Departing Berth

A report containing the required information shall be made two hours before a ship departs a berth.

A traffic clearance to depart a berth is valid for one hour from the estimated time of departure. Where a traffic clearance to depart berth has expired because of a revised time of departure, a new traffic clearance is required. In this case, the report need only contain the ship's name, call-sign, position and revised time of departure.

This report is not required where the ship is proceeding to another berth in the same port. Exiting the Zone

A report containing the required information listed in a), b), d) and h), shall be made immediately before the ship crosses the seaward boundary.

In a case where exiting a zone coincides with entering a local VTS zone, this report is not required. Procedures as local VTS zone reporting requirements shall be followed. ECAREG Reports Delivery

ECAREG reports for vessels entering Canadian waters shall be sent using the electronic form.

ECAREG reports for vessels proceeding west of 66W or arriving at/departing from Québec-based port in the Gulf of St. Lawrence shall be sent to:

Les Escoumins MCTS Centre
Telephone: 418-233-3483
Facsimile: 418-233-3299

3.8.3 NORDREG Zone Reports

NORDREG reports shall be addressed to NORDREG CANADA and communicated either directly to NORDREG CANADA or to the nearest CCG MCTS Centre. The NORDREG Sailing Report shall be completed using an electronic form downloadable from the Vessel Traffic Services section of CCG’s e-Navigation portal. All times indicated in NORDREG reports shall be in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The master of a ship shall ensure that these reports are made in accordance with the stated requirements.

The waters of Kugmallit Bay and MacKenzie Bay are considered part of the Northern Canada Vessel Traffic Services (NORDREG) zone. A final report must be submitted to NORDREG CANADA by vessels southbound in Kugmallit Bay to MacKenzie River at mile 1081, which is marked by Kittigauzit Bay Lt By LL 1816 Mo(A) 69 24'N 133 38'W. Vessels northbound from the MacKenzie River to Tuktoyatuk or the Beaufort Sea or northbound from Shallow Bay must submit a sailing plan report to NORDREG CANADA.

The information requested from the ships is derived from the standard reporting format shown in International Maritime Organization resolution A.851(20) – General Principles for Ship Reporting Systems and Ship Reporting Requirements, Including Guidelines for Reporting Incidents Involving Dangerous Goods, Harmful Substances and/or Marine Pollutants.

Every report shall begin with the term “NORDREG” (system identifier) and be followed by whichever of the following two letters corresponds to the report:

  1. “SP”, in the case of a sailing plan report;
  2. “PR”, in the case of a position report;
  3. “FR”, in the case of a final report;
  4. “DR”, in the case of a deviation report.

The report must include the applicable designators followed by the information required in accordance with the Table 3-1 - NORDREG Zone Report: Designators and Information Required. Content, Time and Geographical Position for Submitting Reports

Vessels shall send a report as follows, and provide the information required in accordance with the Table 3-1 that corresponds to the designators specified. When the Vessel is About to Enter the NORDREG Zone

A sailing plan report (SP) shall be provided when the vessel is about to enter the NORDREG zone and must include the following designators: A, B, C or D, E, F, G, H, I, L, O, P, Q, S, T, W, and X.

Note: Designators O, Q, T are not required when entering directly from the ECAREG zone.

Vessels about to enter the NORDREG zone should provide the sailing plan report 24 hours in advance of entering the zone, or as soon as possible after leaving a port that is less than 24 hours from the NORDREG zone. This ensures vessels are not delayed in obtaining a clearance from MCTS and enables MCTS to assess current conditions and prepare relevant safety information for the vessel.Footnote 2 Departing a Berth/Anchorage

A sailing plan report (SP) shall be provided more than one hour but not more than two hours before a vessel departs from a berth within the NORDREG zone, unless the vessel is moving to another berth in the same port. The sailing plan report must include the following designators: A, B, C or D, H, I, L, O, P, Q, S, T, W, and X.

Note: Designators O, P, Q, S, T, W, X are not required if the corresponding information has not changed since the previous sailing plan report. Getting Underway After an Accident

A sailing plan report (SP) shall be provided immediately before a vessel gets underway within the NORDREG zone if the vessel; has been stranded, has stopped as a result of a breakdown in the main propulsion systems or steering systems, or has been involved in a collision. The sailing plan report must include the following designators: A, B, either C or D, I, L, O, P, Q, S, T, W and X.

Note: Designators O, P, Q, S, T, W, X are not required if the corresponding information has not changed since the previous sailing plan report. Entering a Zone Boundary

A position report (PR) shall be provided immediately after a vessel enters the NORDREG zone and must include the following designators: A, B, C or D, E, F, and S. Daily

A position report (PR) shall be provided daily at 16:00 UTC, unless the vessel is transmitting LRIT information. The position report shall include the following designators: A, B, C or D, E, F, and S. Other Situations

A position report (PR) shall be provided with designators A, B, C or D, E, F, S and X as soon as feasible after a vessel’s master becomes aware of any of the following:

  1. another vessel in apparent difficulty;
  2. any obstruction to navigation;
  3. any aid to navigation that is not functioning properly or is damaged, out of position or missing;
  4. any ice or weather conditions that are hazardous to safe navigation; and
  5. a pollutant in the water. Arrival at Berth/Anchorage

A final report (FR) shall be provided on the arrival of a vessel at a berth within the NORDREG zone and include the following designators: A and K. Exiting the Zone

A final report (FR) shall be provided immediately before a vessel exits the NORDREG zone and include the following designators: A and K Deviation Report

A deviation report (DR) shall be provided when a vessel’s position varies significantly from the position that was expected based on the sailing plan report, or when a vessel’s intended voyage changes from the sailing plan report. The deviation report must include the following designators: A, B, either C or D and the other designators included in the sailing plan report if the corresponding information has changed since that report.

Table 3-1 NORDREG Zone Report: Designators and Information Required
Designator Subject Information
A Vessel The vessel’s name, the name of the state whose flag the vessel is entitled to fly and, if applicable, the vessel’s call sign, International Maritime Organization ship identification number and Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI) number.
B Date and time Date and time corresponding to the vessel’s position under designator C or D given in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). A 6-digit group followed by a Z, the first 2 digits giving the day of the month, the next two digits giving the hour and the last two digits giving the minutes.




Vessel's position by latitude and longitude A 4-digit group giving latitude in degrees and minutes suffixed with N and a 5-digit group giving longitude in degrees and minutes suffixed with W.
Vessel's position by geographical name of place If the vessel is at a known place, the name of the place. If the vessel is not at a known place, the name of a known place followed by the vessel's true bearing (3-digits) and distance in nautical miles from the place.
E Vessel's course True course. A 3-digit group.
F Vessel's speed Speed in knots. A 2-digit group.
G The vessel's last port of call The name of the port of call.
H Vessel's entry into the NORDREG zone or departure from a berth within the NORDREG zone Estimated date and time the vessel will enter the NORDREG zone or depart the berth within the NORDREG zone, as appropriate. Date and time expressed as under designator B and entry or departure position expressed as under designator C or D.
I Vessel's destination and expected time of arrival The name of the destination followed by expected time of arrival, expressed as under designator B.
K Vessel's exit from the NORDREG zone or arrival at the vessel's destination Date and time vessel exits the NORDREG zone or arrives at its berth within the NORDREG zone. Exit date and time expressed as under designator B and exit or arrival position expressed as under designator C or D.
L Vessel's intended route A brief description of the intended route through the NORDREG zone.
O Vessel's maximum present static draught A 4-digit group giving metres and centimetres.
P Cargo A brief description of the vessel's cargo and the cargo of any vessel being towed or pushed. The description must include:
  1. in the case of a dangerous good, the class and quantity; and
  2. in the case of a pollutant, the technical name and quantity.
Q Defects, damage and deficiencies, as well as circumstances adversely affecting the vessel's normal navigation Brief details of any defects, damage or deficiencies of the vessel or its machinery, equipment or charts and nautical publications, or circumstances that adversely affect normal navigation.
S Weather and ice A brief description of the prevailing weather and ice conditions.
T Vessel's authorized representative, agent or owner The name and contact information of;
  1. in the case of a Canadian vessel, its authorized representative;
  2. in the case of a foreign vessel, its Canadian or American agent or owner;
  3. in the case of a pleasure craft that is not a Canadian vessel, the pleasure craft's owner.
W Persons on board the vessel The number of persons.

Additional information for sailing plan report

Information to be reported in a position report in certain situations

  1. In the case of a sailing plan, report the following information:
    1. the total amount of oil on board that is for use as fuel or carried as cargo, expressed in cubic metres;
    2. if the vessel's owner or master holds a Polar Ship certificate in respect of the vessel; the certificate's expiry date and the name of its issuing authority;
    3. the vessel's ice class, if applicable, and the name of the classification society that assigned the ice class;
    4. if the vessel is getting underway after having been stranded, stopped as a result of a breakdown in the main propulsion or steering system or involved in a collision; a brief description of the applicable incident; and,
    5. the date of expiration of the Certificate of Insurance or Other Financial Security in Respect of Liability for the Removal of Wrecks.
  2. In the case of a position report required after becoming aware of: another vessel in difficulty; any obstruction to navigation; an aid to navigation that is not functioning properly or is damaged, out of position or missing; any ice or weather conditions that are hazardous to safe navigation and a pollutant in the water - then a brief description of the applicable matter. NORDREG Report Delivery

NORDREG reports shall be sent to

Iqaluit MCTS Centre
Operational from approximately mid-May to mid-December
Telephone: 867-979-5724
Facsimile: 867-979-4264
Telex (Telefax): 063-15529
Telegraphic Identifier: NORDREG CDA

Les Escoumins MCTS Centre
Operational from approximately mid-December to mid-May
Telephone: 418-233-3483
Facsimile: 418-233-3299
Telex (Telefax): 063-15529
Telegraphic Identifier: NORDREG CDA

3.8.4 Pre-Arrival Information Report (PAIR)

The Canadian Marine Transportation Security Regulations (MTSR) requires a Pre-Arrival Information Report (PAIR) to be filed prior to entry into Canadian waters. Message format and contact information are found in Part 4.2.8.

3.8.5 West Coast – USA Notice of Arrival

A 96-hour Notice of Arrival (NOA) must be filed in accordance with the 33 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 160 (dated February 28, 2003) directly to the United States Coast Guard National Vessel Movement Center (NVMC) via one of the following methods:

Telephone: 1-800-708-9823
Facsimile: 1-800-547-8724

The electronic Notice of Arrival/Departure (e-NOA/D) can be found at the NVMC website.

3.9 Vessel Traffic Services Zone Schedules

3.9.1 Bay of Fundy

Note: Latitude and longitude positions given for the Bay of Fundy Vessel Traffic Services Zone are in NAD83.

The Bay of Fundy Vessel Traffic Services zone comprises all Canadian waters contained within the area bounded by a line drawn in a 270° True direction from Chebogue Point in position 43°43’54.3”N, 066°07’08.0”W; thence through the following positions:

43°43’54.3”N 066°26’28”W, 43°58’45.3”N 066°27’43”W, 44°09’30.3”N 066°47’01”W, 44°11’50.3”N 066°49’31”W, 44°14’57.3”N 066°52’40”W, 44°17’21.2”N 066°55’08”W, 44°22’30.2”N 067°18’58.1”W, 44°29’50.2”N 067°15’08.1”W, 44°35’30.2”N 067°08’13”W, 44°42’00.2”N 066°58’22”W, 44°46’35.6”N 066°54’09.2”W thence along the Canada/USA boundary line to the shore at 45°11’30.5”N 067°17’00.6”W; thence following the Canadian shores of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia back to the beginning at Chebogue Point, including Fishing Zone 2.

Table 3-2 Sectors and Boundaries for the Bay of Fundy
Sector Boundaries
1 The outer limit of the zone, and a line joining the following positions: 45°03′29.2″N 066°27′32.8″W, 44°53′14.6″N 066°36′00.1″W, 44°43′08.8″N 066°44′16.6″W, 44°36′38″N 065°56′28.7″W.
2 From the inner boundary of sector 1 eastward to a line joining 45°19′22.5″N 065°32′05.4″W; and 44°56′54.3″N 065°15′49.4″W, and including the waters of Saint John Harbour northward to a line joining Pleasant Point, 45°16′28.7″N 66°05′47.1″W; and Pokiok, 45°16′38.3″N 066°05′34.5″W.
3 All of the waters encompassed by the shores of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia east of a line joining 45°19′22.5″N 065°32′05.4″W; and 44°56′54.3″N 065°15′49.4″W; which is described as the eastern limit of sector 2.
Table 3-3 Identification and Frequencies for the Bay of Fundy
Sector Identifier Channel Frequency (MHz)
1 "Fundy Traffic" 14 156.700
2 "Fundy Traffic" 12 156.600
3 "Fundy Traffic" 71 156.575

Note: Fundy Traffic monitors navigation in the traffic zone using radar and Automatic Identification System (AIS).

Table 3-4 Calling-In-Points for the Bay of Fundy
Number Sector Name General Description and Conditions Geographic Description
1A 1 - Southwest entrance to traffic separation scheme
A point at 44°10′40.3″N 066°48′16″W.
1B 1 - Southwest exit from traffic separation scheme
A point at 44°16′09.3″N 066°53′54″W.
2A 1 - Inward traffic only. A point at 44°19′11.4″N 066°34′12.4″W.
2B 1 - Outward traffic only. A point at 44°23′16.9″N 066°39′28″W.
3A 1 - Inward traffic only. A point at 44°30′09.3″N 066°15′56.5″W.
3B 1 - Outward traffic only. A point at 44°32′25.8″N 066°20′46″W.
4A 1 and 2 - Sector boundary – Inward traffic only. A point at 44°38′53.3″N 066°12′43.9″W.
4B 2 - Outward traffic only. A point at 44°50′17.8″N 066°14′19.5″W.
4C 2 - Inward traffic only. A point at 44°44′49.1″N 066°10′32.7″W.
4D 1 and 2 - Sector boundary – Outward traffic only. A point at 44°39′38.1″N 066°18′11.2″W.
4E 2 - Entrance to/exit from traffic separation scheme. A point at 44°49′38.3″N 066°23′40.2″W.
5A 2 - North exit from traffic separation scheme -
Inward traffic only.
A point at 45°01′45.3″N 066°04′08.4″W.
5B 2 - North entrance to traffic separation scheme –
Outward traffic only.
A point at 45°02′45.3″N 066°09′35.4″W.
6 2 Saint John Harbour light and whistle Buoy J - A line joining:
45°13′30.4″N 066°05′45.1″W; 45°12′55.3″N 066°02′36.9″W; and 45°12′59.3″N 066°00′28.2″W.
7 2 Partridge Island - A line joining:
45°14′10.3″N 066°03′12.1″W; and 45°14′20.3″N 066°00′07.9″W.
8 2 - - A point at 45°15′30.3″N 066°03′31.3″W.
9 2 - - A point at 45°16′10.9″N 066°04′24.9″W.
10 2 - - A point at 45°16′00.5″N 066°05′39.1″W.
11 2 - - A point at 45°15′51.5″N 066°02′37.6″W.
1C 1 - Outer boundary – Sector 1 A line joining:
44°17′21.2″N 066°55′08″W; and 44°22′30.2″N 067°18′58.1″W.
1E 1 - Outer boundary – Sector 1 Grand Manan Channel A line joining:
44°22′30.2″N 067°18′58.1″W; 44°29′50.2″N 067°15′08.1″W, 44°35′30.2″N 067°08′13″W; 44°42′00.2″N 066°58′22″W; 44°46′35.6″N 066°54′09.2″W; 44°47′39.1″N 066°53′07.5″W.
1P 1 - Grand Manan Channel A line joining:
44°45′35.7″N 066°50′01.9″W, and 44°45′37″N 066°50′03″W, and thence along the boundary between Fishing zones 2 and 4 to 44°47′39.1″N 066°53′07.5″W; thence, along the Canada/US boundary to 44°49′31.8″N 066°55′57.3″W, and along the extension of this boundary to 44°50′16.8″N 066°57′05.2″W.
2P 1 - Campobello Island to The Wolves A line joining:
44°55′57.4″N 066°53′55.3″W; and 44°56′09.8″N 066°44′04.3″W.
2R 1 - Southwest Wolf Island to sector boundary A line joining:
44°56′10.6″N 066°43′57.7″W; and 44°53′14.6″N 066°36′00.1″W.
3Q 1 and 2 - Sector Boundary A line joining:
44°43′08.8″N 066°44′16.6″W, 44°53′14.6″N 066°36′00.1″W, 45°03′29.2″N 066°27′32.8″W.
5R 2 - - A line joining:
45°03′00.3″N 066°10′58″W; 45°03′36.3″N 066°12′22″W; 45°07′06.7″N 066°20′50.8″W.
3P 1 - - A line joining:
45°02′19.6″N 066°48′31.1″W; 44°55′57.4″N 066°53′55.3″W.
4P 1 - Head Harbour Passage A line joining:
44°56′48.5″N 066°58′14″W; 44°55′40.6″N 066°56′37.4″W.
5P 1 - Passamaquoddy Bay A line joining:
45°04′17″N 066°55′12.6″W and a position on the Canada/US boundary line at 45°01′36.7″N 067°03′56.6″W.
1M 1 - Outer boundary – Sector 1 southwest of Brier Island A line joining:
43°58′45.3″N 066°27′43″W; 44°09′30.3″N 066°47′01″W.
2M 1 - Entrance to St. Mary's Bay A line joining:
44°05′12″N 066°12′42.8″W; 44°12′08.3″N 066°23′09″W.
3M 1 - South end of Petit Passage An arc centered on 44°22′21″N 066°12′12″W; Radius 1½ NM, and extending from shore to shore in the waters of St. Mary's Bay, connecting the following points: 44°23′31.3″N 066°10′53.6″W; 44°21′15.2″N 066°10′46.4″W; 44°21′19.9″N 066°13′44.1″W.
4M 1 - North end of Petit Passage An arc centered on 44°24′14.5″N 066°12′55″W; Radius 1½ NM, and extending from shore to shore in the waters of the Bay of Fundy, connecting the following points: 44°23′02.8″N 066°14′10.8″W; 44°25′19.6″N 066°14′21.7″W; 44°25′21.9″N 066°11′31.8″W.
6M 2 - - A line joining:
44°39′56.6″N 065°49′57.2″W and 45°01′30.3″N 066°02′46″W.
5U 2 - - A line joining:
45°08′02.3″N 065°50′56.9″W and 45°15′24.3″N 065°48′39.9″W.
1D 2 - Entrance/Exit to Digby Gut An arc centered on 44°42’38.8”N 065°46’23.9”W; Radius 2 NM and extending from shore to shore in the waters of the Bay of Fundy, connecting the following points: 44°41’03.7”N 065°48’06.6”W; 44°44’00.3”N 065°48’27.5”W and 44°43’09.9”N 065°43’41.4”W.
5S 2 - - A line joining:
45°01′30.3″N 066°02′46″W and 45°08′02.3″N 065°50′56.9″W.
8U 2 and 3 - Boundary – Sectors 2/3 A line joining:
45°19′22.5″N 065°32′05.4″W and 44°56′54.3″N 065°15′49.4″W.
1L 1 - Outer boundary – Sector 1 west of Yarmouth, NS A line joining:
43°43′54.3″N 066°26′28″W and 43°58′45.3″N 066°27′43″W.
1Y 1 - Outer boundary – Bay of Fundy VTS zone near Yarmouth, NS A line joining:
43°43′54.3″N 066°07′08″W and 43°43′54.3″N 066°26′28″W.
2Y 1 - Yarmouth Sound An arc centered on 43°46′57.3″N 066°09′29.5″W; Radius 1½ NM, and extending from shore to shore in the waters off Yarmouth Sound, connecting the following points: 43°46′08.4″N 066°07′45.2″W; 43°46′29.7″N 066°11′27.7″W and 43°48′24.5″N 066°10′00.3″W.

All times shall be given in Atlantic Standard Time or Atlantic Daylight Saving Time, whichever is in effect.

Figure 3-4 - Vessel Traffic Services - Bay of Fundy

Figure 3-4 Vessel Traffic Services - Bay of Fundy described below
Text description of Figure 3-4 Vessel Traffic Services for the Bay of Fundy

This map illustrates the Bay of Fundy Vessel Traffic Services zone. The zone is comprised of three sectors. The Bay of Fundy Vessel Traffic Services zone comprises all Canadian waters contained within the area bounded by a line drawn in a 270° True direction from Chebogue Point in position 43 43 54.3N, 66 07 08.0W; thence through the following positions: 43°43’54.3”N 66°26’28”W, 43°58’45.3”N 66°27’43”W, 44°09’30.3”N 66°47’01”W, 44°11’50.3”N 66°49’31”W, 44°14’57.3”N 66°52’40”W, 44°17’21.2”N 66°55’08”W, 44°22’30.2”N 67°18’58.1”W, 44°29’50.2”N 67°15’08.1”W, 44°35’30.2”N 67°08’13”W, 44°42’00.2”N 66°58’22”W, 44°46’35.6”N 66°54’09.2”W thence along the Canada/USA boundary line to the shore at 45°11’30.5”N 67°17’00.6”W; thence following the Canadian shores of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia back to the beginning at Chebogue Point, including Fishing Zone 2. The boundaries of this zone are described in Part 3. The calling-in-points on the map are identified by a circle with an attached triangle on two sides. Beside the circle is a number and letter forming the identification of the calling-in-point.

3.9.2 Halifax Harbour and Approaches

Note: Latitude and longitude positions given for Halifax Harbour and Approaches Vessel Traffic Services zone are in NAD83.

The Halifax Vessel Traffic Services zone comprises all Canadian waters contained within an area bounded by a line connecting points from Point Pennant, 44°25’53.8”N 063°38’56.5”W; to position 44°17’41.3”N 063°35’09.6”W; to the Canadian territorial boundary at 44°14’02”N 063°30’50.3”W; thence, along Canada‘s territorial boundary to a point at 44°22’43.5”N 063°13’48.5”W, and thence, along a line to Petpeswick (Collies) Head, 44°40’43.3”N 063°09’44.2”W.

Table 3-5 - Sectors and Boundaries for Halifax Harbour and Approaches
Sector Boundaries
1 The seaward boundary of the zone, and a line connecting points from Hartlen Point, 44°35’20.5”N 063°27’05.8”W; to position 44°30’13.8”N 063°28’46.7”W; thence, to Duncan Reef light buoy, H1, 44°29’36”N 063°30’34”W, and thence, to the shore west of Duncan Reef, 44°29’36”N 063°31’28.1”W.
2 The inner boundary of sector 1 and the shoreline northward and westward of the inner boundary of sector 1.
Table 3-6 - Identification and Frequencies for Halifax Harbour and Approaches
Sector Identifier Channel Frequency (MHz)
1 "Halifax Traffic" 14 156.700
2 "Halifax Traffic" 12 156.600

Note: Halifax Traffic monitors navigation in the traffic zone using radar and Automatic Identification System (AIS).

Table 3-7 - Calling-In-Points for Halifax Harbour and Approaches
Number Sector Name General Description and Conditions Geographic Description
1A 1 - Boundary limit. Entrance to traffic lane. A point at 44°27′35.6″N 063°12′42.6″W.
2A 1 - Inward traffic only. A point at 44°27′39.3″N 063°19′37.6″W.
1B 1 - Boundary limit. Traffic lane exit. A point at 44°23′42.7″N 063°13′35.2″W.
1C 1 - Boundary limit. Entrance to traffic lane. A point at 44°18′13.2″N 063°19′57.3″W.
2C 1 - Inward traffic only. A point at 44°22′44.6″N 063°23′21″W.
1D 1 - Boundary limit. Traffic lane exit. A point at 44°15′46.2″N 063°24′26.4″W.
2D 1 - Outward traffic only. A point at 44°24′14″N 063°28′09.1″W.
1E 1 - Boundary limit. Entrance to traffic lane. A point at 44°14′47.8″N 063°31′44.4″W.
1F 1 - Boundary limit. Traffic lane exit. A point at 44°17′07″N 063°34′29″W.
1S 1 - Western limit of zone. A line joining:
44°25′53.8″ N 063°38′56.5″ W and 44°17′41.3″ N 063°35′09.6″ W.
1Y 1 - Eastern limit of zone. A line joining:
44°40′43.3″N 063°09′44.2″W and 44°28′42.3″N 063°12′27.6″W.
3D 1 - Outward traffic only. A point at 44°28′12.6″N 063°29′45.9″W.
4C 2 Inner Automatic Inward Vessels inward shall state whether passing east or west of Neverfail Shoal buoy. A point at 44°31′31.9″N 063°30′31.6″W.
4D 2 Inner Automatic Outward Vessels shall state course and ETA to 3D. A point at 44°31′15.2″N 063°31′16.1″W.
5 2 Neverfail Shoal - A line joining points at:
44°34′47.8″N 063°27′34″W; 44°33′23.2″N 063°31′51.9″W and 44°32′59.3″N 063°33′04.6″W.
6 2 Maugher Beach light Vessels outward shall state if passing east or west of Neverfail Shoal buoy. A line joining:
44°36′07.7″N 063°32′02.5″W and 44°35′50.2″N 063°33′04.7″W.
7 2 Ives Knoll Vessels inward shall state whether passing east or west of Georges Island. A line joining light buoy "HT2", 44°37′50.2″N 063°32′44.7″W; 44°37′33.9″N 063°33′34.7″W.
8 2 Indian Point - A line joining:
44°37′37.9″N 063°31′48.8″W and 44°37′59.1″N 063°31′31.8″W.
9 2 Ferry Track Vessels outward shall state whether passing east or west of Georges Island. A line joining:
44°39′47.3″N 063°34′09.9″W and 44°39′23.7″N 063°34′38.4″W.
10 2 Bedford Basin - A line joining:
44°40′18.9″N 063°37′25.6″W and 44°41′22.6″N 063°36′58.3″W.

All times shall be given in Atlantic Standard Time or Atlantic Daylight Saving Time, whichever is in effect.

Figure 3-5 - Vessel Traffic Services - Halifax Harbour and Approaches

Figure 3-5 Vessel Traffic Services - Halifax described below
Text description of Figure 3-5 Vessel Traffic Services for Halifax Harbour and Approaches

This map illustrates the Halifax Vessel Traffic Services zone and its traffic separation scheme. The Halifax Vessel Traffic Services zone comprises all Canadian waters contained within an area bounded by a line connecting points from Point Pennant, 44°25’53.8”N 63°38’56.5”W; to position 44°17’41.3”N 63°35’09.6”W; to the Canadian territorial boundary at 44°14’02”N 63°30’50.3”W; thence, along Canada‘s territorial boundary to a point at 44°22’43.5”N 63°13’48.5”W, and thence, along a line to Petpeswick (Collies) Head, 44°40’43.3”N 63°09’44.2”W. As well, the 2 sectors of Halifax VTS zone are shown with their associated calling-in-points. The calling-in-points on the map are identified by a circle with an attached triangle on one side. Beside the circle is a number and letter which forms the identification of the calling-in-point.

3.9.3 Northumberland Strait

Note: Latitude and longitude positions given for the Northumberland Strait Vessel Traffic Services zone are in NAD83.

Table 3-8 - Sector and Boundaries for Northumberland Strait
Sector Boundaries
1 All waters of Northumberland Strait extending west from a line drawn between Cape Cliff, N.S., 45°52′42.3″N 063°27′59.3″W, to Rice Point, P.E.I., 46°07′47.9″N 063°13′18.3″W, to a line drawn between Fagan Point, N.B., 46°13′41.8″N 064°13′42″W, to Cape Egmont, P.E.I., 46° 24′04.8″N 064°08′05.3″W.
Table 3-9 - Identification and Frequencies for Northumberland Strait
Sector Identifier Channel Frequency (MHz)
1 “Northumberland Traffic” 12 156.600

Note: Northumberland Traffic monitors navigation in the traffic zone using Automatic Identification System (AIS).

Table 3-10 - Calling-In-Points for Northumberland Strait
Number Sector Name General Description and Conditions Geographic Description
1 1 Eastern Zone Boundary A line joining:
Cape Cliff, N.S. and Rice Point, P.E.I.
A line joining:
45°52’42.3”N063°27’59.3”W and 46°07’47.9”N 063°13’18.3”W.
2 1 Eastern Approach Security Zone A line joining:
Cape Tormentine, N.B. and Cape Traverse P.E.I.
A line joining:
46°07’24.6”N063°46’56.5”W and 46°13’51.2”N 063°38’58”W.
3 1 Western Approach Security Zone A line joining:
Spence Cove, N.B. and Gordon Cove, P.E.I.
A line joining:
46°09’15.3”N 063°54’21.6”W and 46°17’34.1”N 063°43’53.1”W.
4 1 Western Zone Boundary A line joining:
Fagan Point, N.B. and Cape Egmont, P.E.I.
A line joining:
46°13’41.8”N064°13’42”W and 46°24’04.8”N 064°08’05.3”W.

All times shall be given in Atlantic Standard Time or Atlantic Daylight Saving Time, whichever is in effect.

Figure 3-6 - Vessel Traffic Services - Northumberland Strait

Figure 3-6 Northumberland strait VTS zone described below
Text description of Figure 3-6 Vessel Traffic Services for Northumberland Strait

This map illustrates the Northumberland Strait Vessel Traffic Services zone. The zone encompasses all waters of Northumberland Strait extending west from a line drawn between Cape Cliff, NS, 45°52’42.3”N 63°27’59.3”W, to Rice Point, PEI, 46°07’47.9”N 63°13’18.3”W, to a line drawn between Fagan Point, N.B., 46°13’41.8”N 64°13’42”W, to Cape Egmont, PEI, 46° 24’04.8”N 64°08’05.3”W. The calling-in-points on the map are identified by a circle with an attached triangle on two sides. Inside the circle is a number indicating the number of the calling-in-point.

3.9.4 Placentia Bay

Placentia Bay Vessel Traffic Services zone comprises all Canadian waters between a line bearing 180° True from Bass Point, 46°55’05”N 055°15’55”W; and a line bearing 180° True from Cape St. Mary's light, 46°49’22”N 054°11’49”W.

Table 3-11- Sectors and Boundaries for Placentia Bay
Sector Boundaries
1 The seaward limit of the zone and a line drawn in a 101° - 281° True direction through position 47°08’05”N 054°30’00”W, and extended to the shore.
2 The inner limit of sector 1, and the shoreline north of the zone.
Table 3-12 - Identification and Frequencies for Placentia Bay
Sector Identifier Channel Frequency (MHz)
1 "Placentia Traffic" 14 156.700
2 "Placentia Traffic" 12 156.600

Note: Placentia Traffic monitors navigation in the traffic zone using radar and Automatic Identification System (AIS).

Table 3-13 - Calling-In-Points for Placentia Bay
Number Sector Name General Description and Conditions Geographic Description
1W 1 - - A line bearing 180° True from Bass Point, 46°55’05”N 055°15’55”W, tothe limit of Canadian waters.
1S 1 - - A line following the Canadian Territorial Sea boundary from position 46°39’55”N 055°15’55”W, to position 46°31’02”N 054°11’49”W.
1E 1 - - A line bearing 180° True from Cape St. Mary's light, 46°49’22”N054°11’49”W, to the limit of Canadian waters.
1A 1 - Inbound A point at 46°45’25”N 054°37’44”W.
2A 1 - Inbound A point at 46°49’46”N 054°33’30”W.
3A 1 - Inbound A point at 46°57’52”N 054°25’41”W.
4A 2 - Inbound A point at 47°03’21.1”N 054°20’17.9”W.
5A 2 - Inbound A point at 47°12’22”N 054°12’08”W.
1B 1 - Outbound A point at 46°49’18”N 054°46’15”W.
2B 1 - Outbound A point at 46°53’20”N 054°40’56”W.
3B 1 - Outbound A point at 47°00’44”N 054°31’18”W.
4B 1 - Outbound A point at 47°08’07”N 054°21’38”W.
5B 2 - Outbound A point at 47°13’54”N 054°15’24”W.
6 2 - - A line 101° - 281° True through 47°23’01”N 054°05’13”W and extended to the shore.
7 2 - - A line 090° - 270° True through 47°31’55”N 054°00’32”W and extended to the shore.
8 2 - - A line 090° - 270° True through 47°37’01”N 054°01’53”W and extended to the shore.
9 2 - - A line 090° - 270° True through 47°42’35”N 054°03’22”W and extended to the shore

All times shall be in Newfoundland Standard Time or Newfoundland Daylight Saving Time, whichever is in effect.

Figure 3-7 - Vessel Traffic Services - Placentia Bay

Placentia bay VTS zone
Text description of Figure 3-7 Vessel Traffic Services for Placentia Bay

This map illustrates the Placentia Bay Vessel Traffic Services zone. Placentia Bay Vessel Traffic Services zone comprises all Canadian waters between a line bearing 180° True from Bass Point, 46°55’05”N 55°15’55”W; and a line bearing 180° True from Cape St. Mary's light, 46°49’22”N 54°11’49”W. The 2 sectors of the Placentia Bay VTS zone are shown with their associated calling-in-points. The calling-in-points on the map are identified by a circle with an attached triangle on two sides. Beside the circle is a number and letter (ex. 2A) which is the identifier of the calling-in-point.

3.9.5 Port aux Basques

Note: Latitude and longitude positions given for the Port aux Basques Vessel Traffic Services zone are in NAD83.

Port aux Basques Vessel Traffic Services zone comprises all Canadian waters adjacent to the west and southwest coasts of Newfoundland between a line bearing 232° True from Cape Ray Light, 47°37’17.1”N 059°18’16.8”W and a line bearing 180° True from Rose Blanche Pt. Light, 47°35’57”N 058°41’30”W.

Table 3-14 - Sectors and Boundaries for Port aux Basques
Sector Boundaries
1 From Cape Ray, at 47°37’04”N 059°18’05”W, along the boundary between Fishing zones 1 and 4, to position 47°29’56”N 059°32’20.4”W; thence along an arc centered on position 47°43’07”N 059°05’59.7”W, and connecting the following points: 47°28’18.1”N 059°30’21.7”W, 47°26’48.2”N 059°28’10”W, 47°25’27.1”N 059°25’46.3”W, 47°24’15.6”N 059°23’12.1”W, 47°23’14.4”N 059°20’28.6”W, 47°22’24”N 059°17’37.4”W, thence, along the Canadian Territorial Sea boundary to position 47°23’37.3”N 058°42’01.9”W; thence 000° True to Rose Blanche Point Light, at 47°36’06.5”N 058°41’40.4”W.
Table 3-15 - Identification and Frequencies for Port aux Basques
Sector Identifier Channel Frequency (MHz)
1 “Port aux Basques Traffic” 11 156.550

Note: Port aux Basques Traffic monitors navigation in the traffic zone using radar and Automatic Identification System (AIS).

Table 3-16 - Calling-In-Points for Port aux Basques
Number Sector Name General Description and Conditions Geographic Description
1 1 Cape Ray Off Cape Ray From Cape Ray, at 47°37’04”N 059°18’05”W, along the boundary between Fishing zones 1 and 4, to position 47°29’56”N 059°32’20.4”W.
2 1 Southern limit Crossing the southern zone limit An arc, centred on position 47°43’07”N 059°05’59.7”W, and connecting the following points: 47°29’56”N 059°32’20.4”W, 47°28’18.1”N 059°30’21.7”W,47°26’48.2”N 059°28’10”W, 47°25’27.1”N 059°25’46.3”W, 47°24’15.6”N 059°23’12.1”W,47°23’14.4”N 059°20’28.6”W, 47°22’24”N 059°17’37.4”W; - thence, along the Canadian Territorial Sea boundary to position 47°23’37.3”N 058°42’01.9”W.
3 1 Rose Blanche Off Rose Blanche Point A line bearing 180° True from Rose Blanche Point, at position 47°36’06.5”N 058°41’40.4”W, to the limit of Canadian waters at 47°23’37.3”N058°42’01.9”W.
4 1 Ferry Track Crossing the Port aux Basques, NL, North Sydney, NS,recommended ferry track A line from position 47°33’00”N 059°07’27.4”W, to the southern limit of the zone at position 47°22’09”N 059°16’26.6”W.
5 1 5 NM off Channel Head 5 NM off Channel Head An arc centered on 47°33’57”N 059°07’24.5”W, Radius 5 NM,and extending from shore to shore, connecting the following points: 47°35’09.7”N 059°00’14.4”W and 47°28’57”N 059°07’24.5”W and 47°36’02.8”N 059°14’07”W.
6 1 2 NM off Channel Head 2 NM off Channel Head An arc centered on 47°33’57”N 059°07’24.5”W, Radius 2 NM, and extending from shore to shore, connecting the following points: 47°34’27”N 059°04’32.8”W, 47°31’57”N 059°07’24.5”W and 47°34’12.2”N 059°10’20.4”W.

All times shall be given in Newfoundland Standard Time or Newfoundland Daylight Saving Time, whichever is in effect.

Figure 3-8 - Vessel Traffic Services - Port aux Basques

Vessel Traffic Services - Port aux Basques
Text description of Figure 3-8 Vessel Traffic Services for Port aux Basques

This map illustrates the Port-aux-Basques Vessel Traffic Services zone. Port aux Basques Vessel Traffic Services zone comprises all Canadian waters adjacent to the west and southwest coasts of Newfoundland between a line bearing 232° True from Cape Ray Light, 47°37’17.1”N 59°18’16.8”W and a line bearing 180° True from Rose Blanche Pt. Light, 47°35’57”N 58°41’30”W. Also on this map are the calling-in-points for Port-Aux-Basques Traffic. The calling-in-points on the map are identified by a circle with an attached triangle on two sides. Inside the circle is a number indicating the number of the calling-in-point.

3.9.6 St. John’s

Note: Latitude and longitude positions given for the St. John’s Vessel Traffic Services zone are in NAD83.

St. John’s Vessel Traffic Services zone comprises all Canadian waters between a line bearing 090° True from Cape St. Francis Light, 47°48’32”N 052°47’09.6”W, and a line bearing 090° True from Bull Head Light 47°18’39”N 052°44’52”W, including the Port of St. John’s.

Table 3-17 - Sector and Boundaries for St. John’s
Sector Boundaries
1 A line from Cape St. Francis, 47°48’31.5”N 052°47’09.6” Weasterly to the Territorial Sea boundary at position 47°48’29.5”N 052°25’30.1”W; thence along the Territorial Sea boundary to position 47°18’36.3”N 052°25’14.8”W, thence, westerly to North Head, 47°18’38”N 052°44’46”W.
Table 3-18 - Identification and Frequencies for St.John’s
Sector Identifier Channel Frequency (MHz)
1 “St. John’s Traffic” 11 156.550

Note: St. John's Traffic monitors navigation in the traffic zone using Automatic Identification System (AIS).

Table 3-19 - Calling-In-Points for St. John’s
Number Sector Name Geographic Description
1N 1 Cape St-Francis A line from 47°48’31.5”N 052°47’09.6”W, to the limit of Canadian territorial waters at 47°48’29.5”N 052°25’30.1”W.
1E 1 Eastern Zone Limit A line following the Canadian Territorial Sea Boundary from 47°48’29.5”N 052°25’30.1”W, to 47°18’36.3”N 052°25’14.8”W.
1S 1 North Head A line from 47°18’38”N 052°44’46”W, to the limit of Canadian territorial waters at 47°18’36.3”N 052°25’14.8”W.
2N 1 Torbay Point A line from 47°39’56.2”N 052°40’05”W, to the limit of Canadian territorial waters at 47°39’54.8”N 052°21’46.3”W.
2S 1 Motion Head A line from 47°26’11”N 052°39’33.2”W, to the limit of Canadian territorial waters at 47°26’09.5”N 052°20’50.9”W.
3 1 2 NM off St. John’s An arc centred on Fort Amherst light, 47°33’47.9”N 052°40’49.6”W, and connecting points at 47°35’39.8”N 052°39’45.2”W; 47°33’35.4”N 052°37’53.2”W; and 47°31’49.5”N 052°40’20.3”W.
4 1 Fort Amherst A point on the range line at 47°33’56.2”N 052°40’48.2”W, abeam Fort Amherst light at 47°33’47.9”N 052°40’49.6”W.

All times shall be given in Newfoundland Standard Time or Newfoundland Daylight Saving Time, whichever is in effect.

Figure 3-9 - Vessel Traffic Services - St. John's

Vessel Traffic Services - St. John's
Text description of Figure 3-9 Vessel Traffic Services for St. John's

This map illustrates the St. John’s Newfoundland Vessel Traffic Services zone. St. John’s Vessel Traffic Services zone comprises all Canadian waters between a line bearing 090° True from Cape St. Francis Light, 47°48’32”N 52°47’09.6”W, and a line bearing 090° True from Bull Head Light 47°18’39”N 52°44’52”W, including the Port of St. John’s. The calling-in-points on the map are identified by a circle with an attached triangle on two sides. Inside the circle is a number indicating the number of the calling-in-point. A geographic description of the boundaries of the zone and its associated calling-in-points can be found the previous tables titled Sector and Boundaries and Calling-in Points.

3.9.7 St. Lawrence Waterway

The St. Lawrence Waterway Vessel Traffic Services zone comprises the waters of the St. Lawrence River extending upstream from the meridian of longitude 066°00’00 West to the upper limits of Montréal Harbour including the Saguenay River and other tributary rivers where vessels enter or leave the St. Lawrence River between the above limits, but excluding that portion of the St. Lawrence Seaway from St. Lambert lock to a position 650 metres downstream from the section of Jacques-Cartier bridge spanning the Seaway.

Table 3-20 - Sectors and Boundaries for St. Lawrence Waterway
Sector Boundaries
1 The longitudinal meridian crossing the St. Lawrence River at 066°00’00”W, and a line at Pointe de Manicouagan joining positions 49°06’04.3”N 068°11’39.7”W; 48°42’00”N 067°52’00”W (NAD83).
2 The inner boundary of sector 1 and a line at Cap du Basque joining positions 48°00’06”N 069°45’48”W,
47°58’25”N 069°37’51”W, and 47°52’35”N 069°33’02”W; including the Saguenay River (NAD83).
3 The inner boundary of sector 2 and a line at Pointe St-Nicholas joining positions 46°42’07”N 071°26’47”W; and 46°43’38”N 071°27’33”W.
4 The inner boundary of sector 3 and a line at Tracy joining positions 46°00’48”N 073°09’49”W and 46°01’00”N 073°11’00”W.
5 The inner boundary of sector 4 the upstream limit of the zone.
Table 3-21 - Identification and Frequencies for St. Lawrence Waterway
Sector Identifier Channel Frequency (MHz)
1 “Escoumins Traffic” 14 156.700
2 “Escoumins Traffic” 9 156.450
3 “Québec Traffic” 12 156.600
4 “Québec Traffic” 13 156.650
5 “Québec Traffic” 10 156.500

Note: Les Escoumins and Québec Traffic monitor navigation in the traffic zone using radar and Automatic Identification System (AIS).

Table 3-22 - Calling-In-Points for St. Lawrence Waterway
Number Sector Name General Description and Conditions Geographic Description
1 1 66W Zone limit Meridian longitude 066°00’00”W.
1A 1 66W Eastern zone limit inbound A point at 50°05’30”N 066°00’00”W.
1B 1 66W Eastern zone limit outbound A point at 50°01’25”N 066°00’00”W.
1C 1 66W Eastern zone limit inbound A point at 49°59’20”N 066°00’00”W.
1D 1 66W Eastern zone limit outbound A point at 49°52’30”N 066°00’00”W.
1E 1 66W Eastern zone limit inbound A point at 49°38’40”N 066°00’00”W.
1F 1 66W Eastern zone limit outbound A point at 49°34’25”N 066°00’00”W.
1G 1 66W Eastern zone limit inbound A point at 49°26’15”N 066°00’00”W.
1H 1 66W Eastern zone limit outbound A point at 49°22’00”N 066°00’00”W.
2 1 Pointe des Monts - A line joining: 49°19’00”N 067°22’30”W ; and 48°55’18”N 067°16’18”W.
2A 1 Pointe des Monts Upbound A point at 49°13’40”N 067°21’20”W.
2B 1 Pointe des Monts Downbound A point at 49°07’30”N 067°19’30”W.
3 1/2 Pointe Manicouagan - A line joining: 49°06’04.3”N 068°11’39.7”W and
48°42’00”N 067°52’00”W.
3A 1/2 Pointe Manicouagan Sector boundary Upbound A point at 48°55’45”N 068°03’20”W.
3B 1/2 Pointe Manicouagan Sector boundary Downbound A point at 48°52’20”N 068°00’00”W.
4 2 Pointe au Boisvert - A line joining: 48°33’55”N 069°08’32”W and 48°19’42”N 068°50’18”W.
4A 2 Pointe au Boisvert Upbound A point at 48°30’00”N 069°03’00”W.
4B 2 Pointe au Boisvert Downbound A point at 48°26’48”N 068°59’20”W.
5A 2 - Upbound A point at 48°20’54”N 069°19’36”W.
5 2 Les Escoumins - A line joining: 48°19’05”N 069°24’53”W and 48°08’05”N 069°11’14”W.
5B 2 Les Escoumins Downbound only A point at 48°15’00”N 069°20’00”W.
6 2 Prince Shoal Light - A line joining: 48°09’36”N 069°39’00”W;
48°06’30”N 069°36’53”W;and
48°05’38”N 069°34’01”W
and a line joining 48°04’10”N 069°33’19”W; and
48°03’04”N 069°25’29”W.
S1 2 Île St-Louis (Saguenay River) - A line joining: 48°15’03”N 070°01’09”W and
48°15’45”N 070°01’00”W.
S2 2 Chicoutimi - A point at 48°25’20”N 070°52’50”W.
7 2/3 Île Blanche Sector boundary A line joining: 48°00’06”N 069°45’48”W;
47°58’25”N 069°37’51”W;
47°52’35”N 069°33’02”W.
8 3 Cap-aux-Oies St-Roch - A line joining: 47°29’18“N 070°13’55”W and
47°18’42”N 070°10’42”W.
9 3 Sault au Cochon/ Beaujeu - A line joining: 47°11’49”N 070°38’16”W and
47°05’12”N 070°25’30”W.
10 3 Saint-Laurent - A line joining: 46°51’33”N 071°00’16”W and
46°50’09”N 070°59’15”W.
11 3 Ste Pétronille (Île d’Orléans) Upbound only A line joining: 46°50’41.5”N 071°07’57”W and
46°49’42”N 071°07’42”W.
12 3 Québec - A line joining: 46°48’38”N 071°12’12”W and
46°48’27”N 071°11’18”W.
13 3 Sillery Downbound only A line joining: 46°46’19”N 071°14’37”W; and
46°45’50”N 071°13’50”W.
14 3/4 St-Nicolas Sector boundary A line joining: 46°42’07”N 071°26’47”W and
46°43’38”N 071°27’33”W.
15 4 Ste-Croix - A line joining: 46°37’40”N 071°42’00”W and
46°40’09”N 071°42’16”W.
16 4 Grondines - A line joining: 46°35’14”N 072°02’26”W and
46°33’39”N 072°01’18”W.
17 4 Batiscan - A line joining: 46°30’02”N 072°14’47”W and
46°29’51”N 072°12’27”W.
18 4 Cap-de-la-Madeleine Upbound only A line joining: 46°21’58.1”N 072°29’47.4”W and
46°21’47”N 072°28’04”W.
19 4 Pointe des Ormes - A line joining: 46°18’14”N 072°34’39”W and
46°17’24”N 072°34’15”W.
20 4 Port Saint-François Downbound only A line joining: 46°16’21.5”N 072°37’10”W and
46°16’50”N 072°37’48.5”W.
21 4 Yamachiche - A line joining: 46°12’53”N 072°49’11.5”W and
46°12’28.9”N 072°48’55”W.
22 4 Île des Barques - A line joining: 46°05’24”N 073°00’43”W and
46°05’08”N 073°00’13”W.
23 4/5 Tracy Sector boundary A line joining: 46°00’48”N 073°09’49”W and
46°01’00”N 073°11’00”W.
24 5 Contrecœur - A line joining: 45°49’55.3”N 073°16’55.7”W and
45°50’15”N 073°17’31”W.
25 5 Cap St-Michel - A line joining: 45°44’05”N 073°26’40”W and
45°43’30”N 073°25’15”W.
26 5 Section 110 - A point at 45°37’54”N 073°29’18”W.
27 5 Calling in Point 2 - A point at 45°31’36”N 073°31’39”W.

All times shall be given in Eastern Standard Time or Eastern Daylight Saving Time, whichever is in effect.

Figure 3-10 - Vessel Traffic Services - St. Lawrence River

Figure 3-10a - Vessel Traffic Services - St. Lawrence River
Figure 3-10b - Vessel Traffic Services - St. Lawrence River
Figure 3-10c - Vessel Traffic Services - St. Lawrence River
Figure 3-10d - Vessel Traffic Services - St. Lawrence River
Text description of Figure 3-10 Vessel Traffic Services for St. Lawrence River

The St. Lawrence-Waterway Vessel Traffic Services zone that extends from the Gulf of St. Lawrence to the Port of Montréal is illustrated with four nautical charts.

The first is a general nautical chart representing the traffic zone from the Gulf of St. Lawrence to Montréal, including the Saguenay River. The three squares labelled A, B and C cascading in a north-easterly direction indicate the nautical charts covering the various vessel traffic zones located along the St. Lawrence Seaway. The Gulf of St. Lawrence and St. Lawrence River are illustrated in blue and the land in yellow. Anticosti Island, located in the northern Gulf of St. Lawrence, appears in yellow with the name of the island indicated on it.

The second chart illustrates square A from the previous chart, which represents the eastern sector of the Les Escoumins vessel traffic zone. It indicates the zone's limits, which extend west from Longitude 66 degrees West east, to west of Les Escoumins. The zone is also divided into two sectors: sector 1 extends from Longitude 66 degrees West, westward to Pointe Manicouagan, and an eastern portion of sector 2 which extends from Pointe Manicouagan to Les Escoumins. The sectors' limits are shown using magenta dotted lines. A traffic separation scheme indicating the mandatory shipping routes in the sector is represented by a thick magenta line, which separates upbound and downbound vessels. Magenta dotted lines indicate the limits of these corridors. Magenta-coloured arrows indicate the traffic direction in the traffic separation zone corridors. The traffic separation scheme extends from the Les Escoumins pilot station, indicated by a magenta diamond inside a circle, to the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Ships are required to report their position to the Les Escoumins Marine Communications and Traffic Services (MCTS) Centre via VHF radio at those points indicated on the chart with a combined alpha-numeric circle and triangle pointed in the direction of traffic, i.e. depending on whether the ship is upbound or downbound. Sept-Îles and Port-Cartier harbours are indicated on the chart. Some calling-in or reporting points, such as Pointe des Monts, Pointe de Manicouagan and Pointe au Boisvert, are indicated on the chart. Les Escoumins MCTS Centre is also indicated on the chart. The call points are alpha-numeric from east to west: 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E, 1F, and 1G along Longitude 66 degrees West, 2A and 2B off Pointe des Monts, 3A and 3B off Pointe de Manicouagan, 4A and 4B off Pointe au Boisvert, and 5A and 5B approaching Les Escoumins. East of Pointe Manicouagan on land indicated in yellow, it reads Sector 1 VHF Channel 14, which means that ships in this sector are required to keep their radios tuned to channel VHF 14. West of Pointe Manicouagan, it reads Sector 2 VHF Channel 09, which means that ships in this sector are required to keep their radios tuned to channel VHF 09. A legend in the upper left depicts the signs and symbols used on the chart.

The third chart illustrates square B from the previous chart, which represents the western part of the Les Escoumins vessel traffic zone and the eastern part of the Québec vessel traffic zone. Chart B represents the portion of the St. Lawrence River that extends from Pointe au Boisvert to Île aux Lièvres and the Saguenay Fjord up to Chicoutimi Harbour. A dotted line passing by Île-Blanche separates the Les Escoumins and Québec vessel traffic zones. The sectors' limits are represented by dotted lines. East of Île-Blanche, vessels are required to report their position to the Les Escoumins MCTS Centre via VHF radio at the points represented on the chart by a combined alpha-numeric circle and triangle pointed in the direction of traffic, i.e. depending on whether the ship is upbound or downbound. West of Île-Blanche, ships are required to report their position to the Québec MCTS Centre via VHF radio at the points represented on the chart with a combined alpha-numeric circle and triangle pointed in the direction of traffic, i.e. depending on whether the ship is upbound or downbound. Chicoutimi harbour in the Saguenay is indicated on the chart. Some calling-in or reporting points, such as, Île-Blanche and Cap-aux-Oies are indicated on the chart. Sector 2 VHF Channel 09 is indicated east of the dotted line that separates the two zones on land represented by the colour yellow; this means that ships in this sector are required to keep their radios tuned to channel VHF 09. West of the line, Sector 3 VHF Channel 12 is indicated, which means that ships in this sector are required to keep their radios tuned to channel VHF 12. A legend in the lower right-hand corner of the chart depicts the signs and symbols used on the chart.

The following chart is a detailed illustration of Chart C, which represents the western part of the Québec vessel traffic services (VTS) zone and the Montréal VTS zone. In the upper right is the small-scale version of Chart B described above. Chart C shows the portion of the St. Lawrence River that extends from Saint-Charles-de-Grondines to the Port of Montréal. A dotted line passing by Tracy shows the western limit of sector 4 and the Québec VTS zone, and the start of sector 5 of the Québec VTC zone. A dotted line passing by Montréal Harbour shows the western limit of the VTS zone. East of Tracy, vessels are required to report their position to the Québec MCTS Centre via VHF radio at the points represented on the chart by a combined alpha-numeric circle and triangle pointed in the direction of traffic, i.e. depending on whether the ship is upbound or downbound. West of Tracy, ships are required to report their position to the Québec MCTS Centre via VHF radio at the points represented on the chart by a combined alpha-numeric circle and triangle pointed in the direction of traffic, i.e. depending on whether the ship is upbound or downbound. Some calling-in or reporting points, such as Grondines, Batiscan, Cap-de-la-Madeleine, Yamachiche, Contrecœur, Cap-Saint-Michel, Section 110 and CIP2 are indicated on the chart. East of the dotted line separating Sectors 4 and 5 on land represented by the colour yellow, it reads Sector 4 VHF Channel 12; this means that vessels in this sector are required to keep their radios tuned to channel VHF 12. West of the line, it reads Sector 5 VHF Channel 10, which means that ships in this sector are required to keep their radios tuned to channel VHF 10. A legend in the lower right depicts the signs and symbols used on the chart.

3.9.8 Sarnia Zone and Areas Sarnia Vessel Traffic Services Zone

Sarnia Vessel Traffic Services zone is comprised of the waters from Lake Huron Cut light buoy "11" to buoys 1 in the East and West Outer Channels in Lake Erie.

NUMERICAL C-I-P's identify mandatory calling-in-points under the Navigation Safety Regulations, 2020. Sarnia Vessel Traffic Services Areas

Sarnia Vessel Traffic Services Areas are comprised of Canadian waters in Lake Huron from DeTour Reef light to Lake Huron Cut light buoy "11", and Canadian waters in Lake Erie from East and West Outer Channel buoys "1" to Long Point light. Ships in these areas are required to guard the International Distress, Safety and Calling Frequency 156.800 MHz (Channel 16).

ALPHABETICAL C-I-P's identify voluntary calling-in-points in the Sarnia Vessel Traffic Services Areas.

Table 3-23 - Sectors and Boundaries for Sarnia Zone and Areas
Sector Boundaries
1 The waters of Lake Huron, the St. Clair River and Lake St. Clair from a line running 090° - 270° True through DeTour Reef light, 45°56’54”N 083°54’12”W to a line joining Lake St. Clair light 42°27’54”N 082°45’18”W and Lake St. Clair light buoy "24", 42°27’53”N 082°45’03”W.
2 The waters of Lake St. Clair, the Detroit River and Lake Erie from a line joining Lake St. Clair light, 42°27’54”N 082°45’18”W and Lake St. Clair light buoy "24", 42°27’53”N 082°45’03”W to a line running 152° True from Long Point light 42°32’55”N 080°02’57.4”W in Lake Erie.
Table 3-24 - Identification and Frequencies for Sarnia Zone and Areas
Sector Identifier Channel Frequency (MHz)
1 "Sarnia Traffic" 11 156.550
2 "Sarnia Traffic" 12 156.600

Note: Sarnia Traffic monitors navigation in the traffic zone using Automatic Identification System (AIS).

Table 3-25 - Calling-In-Points for Sarnia Zone and Areas
Number Sector Name General Description and Conditions Geographic Description
A 1 DeTour At DeTour Reef light for vessels transiting St. Mary's River. For vessels transiting St. Mary's River, a line running 090°- 270° True through 45°56’54”N 083°54’12”W.
At Cordwood Point light buoy "1" for vessels transiting to or from Lake Michigan.
These vessels should specify Cordwood Point.
For vessels transiting to or from Lake Michigan, a line joining 45°56’54”N 083°54’12”W and 45°40’53”N 84°18’05”W.
B 1 Great Duck Island A line joining Great Duck Island light and Presque Isle light. A line running from 45°38’30”N 082°57’48”W to 45°21’24”N 083°29’30”W.
C 1 Cove Island At Cove Island light for vessels enroute to or from Georgian Bay. A line running 000° True from 45°19’37”N 081°44’07”W Call Sarnia MCTS on Ch26.
D 1 Harbour Beach
Point Clark
Mariners should specify Point Clark when following Georgian Bay courses and Harbor Beach at all other times. A line joining: 43°50’42”N 082°37’54”W and 44°04’22.1”N 081°45’25.6”W.
1 1 30 minutes north of Lake Huron Cut light buoy “11” 30 minutes north of Lake Huron Cut lighted buoys “11” and “12” (downbound only). -
E 1 Lake Huron Cut Light buoy “11” Lake Huron Cut light buoy “11”. A line running 090°-270° True through 43°05’25”N 082°24’38”W.
2 1 Lake Huron Cut Light “7” Lake Huron Cut light “7” (downbound only). A line running 090°-270° True through 43°03’36”N 082°25’06”W.
3 1 Lake Huron Cut Light buoy “1” At Lake Huron Cut light buoy “1” (upbound only). A line running 090°-270° True through 43°00’37”N 082°24’53”W.
4 1 Black River At St. Clair/Black River Junction Light. On north shore of river entrance
42°58’24”N 082°25’12”W.
5 1 Stag Island
Upper Light
At Stag Island Upper Light (upbound only). A line running 090° True from 42°54’25”N 082°27’57.5”W.
6 1 Salt Dock Marine City Salt Dock light. A line running 110° True from 42°41’16.8”N 082°30’20.5”W.
7 1 Light 23 Grande Point light "23" (downbound only). A line joining: 42°35’07”N 082°33’23.5”W and 42°35’04”N 082°33’10”W.
8 1 Light 2 A line joining St. Clair Flats Canal light “2” and St. Clair Cutoff Pier light “X32/1" (upbound only). A line running from 42°31’06”N 082°41’12”W and 42°30’54”N 082°41’08”W.
9 Change Lake St. Clair light Lake St. Clair Light. A line running from 42°27’54”N 082°45’18”W and 42°27’53”N 082°45’03”W.
10 2 Station Belle Isle Belle Isle light (downbound only). A line running 150° True from 42°20’24”N 082°57’36”W.
10A 2 Rouge River 20 minutes from entering or leaving the Rouge River or Shortcut Canal. -
10B 2 Rouge River Immediately before entering or leaving the Rouge River or Shortcut Canal. A line running from 42°16’26”N 083°06’36”W and 42°16’31”N 083°06’33.5”W.
11 2 Grassy Island light Grassy Island light. A line running 090°-270° True through42°13’30”N 083°08’00”W.
12 2 Detroit River light Detroit River light. A line running 090°-270° True through 42°00’01”N 083°08’30”W.
F 2 Southeast Shoal At Southeast Shoal light. A line from 41°54’33”N 082°30’36”W to 41°49’35”N 082°27’47”W thence to 41°32’12”N 082 42’42”W.
G 2 Long Point A line joining Long Point light to the south shore of Lake Erie. A line running 152° True from 42°32’55”N 080°02’58”W to 42°14’35”N 079°49’44”W.

All times shall be given in Eastern Standard Time or Eastern Daylight Saving Time, whichever is in effect. Application

Within the St. Clair and Detroit Rivers, mariners should be guided by the traffic reporting provisions of the Navigation Safety Regulations, 2020.

All times shall be given in Eastern Standard Time or Eastern Daylight Saving Time, whichever is in effect.

Figure 3-11 - Vessel Traffic Services - Sarnia VTS Zone and Areas

Sarnia VTS zone and areas
Text description of Figure 3-11 Vessel Traffic Services for Sarnia VTS Zone and Areas

This map illustrates the waters of southern Lake Huron, the St. Clair River, Lake St. Clair, the Detroit River and western Lake Erie, and the Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) Zone and VTS Area to which the St. Clair and Detroit River Navigation Safety Regulations apply. These VTS Regulations are administered by the Canadian Coast Guard’s Marine Communications and Traffic Services (MCTS) Centre located at Sarnia Ontario. Above Lake Huron Cut Light Buoy 11 is the Sarnia Voluntary VTS Area, part of Sector One, and vessels report on VHF Channel Eleven (VHF CH 11), and this is indicated on the map. From this point southward to the sector boundary at Lake St. Clair Light, in the middle of Lake St. Clair, is the Sarnia Mandatory VTS Zone, Sector One. From Lake St. Clair Light southward to the Detroit River Light – where the Detroit River meets Lake Erie – is the Sarnia Mandatory VTS Zone Two. Here, and in the Sarnia Voluntary zone in western Lake Erie, vessels report on VHF Channel Twelve (VHF CH 12), and this is also indicated on this map. Frequency Guard - Great Lakes Basin

Amendments to the VHF Radiotelephone Practices and Procedures RegulationsFootnote * which make Channel 13 (156.650 MHz) the dedicated Bridge-to-Bridge frequency in the Great Lakes Basin became effective February 1, 1989. At that time the VHF listening watch requirements for vessels upbound/downbound in these waters were established as follows:

Table 3-26 - VHF Listening Watch Requirements
- Location Monitor Remarks
A CIP #2 to CIP #6-7 (Seaway Beauharnois) Seaway Ch14 and Ch16 Ch13 Bridge-to-Bridge exemption through this area.
B CIP #6-7 to CIP #10-11 (Seaway Eisenhower) Seaway Ch12 and Ch16 Ch13 Bridge-to-Bridge exemption through this area.
C CIP #10-11 to Crossover Island (Seaway Iroquois) Seaway Ch11 and Ch16 Ch13 Bridge-to-Bridge exemption through this area.
D Crossover Island to Cape Vincent (Seaway Clayton) Bridge Ch13 and Ch16 Ch13 serves as Bridge in this area. Seaway Clayton on Ch12 through this area.
E Cape Vincent to mid Lake Ontario (Seaway Sodus) Bridge Ch13 and Ch16 Seaway Sodus also on Ch12 through this area.
F Mid Lake Ontario to CIP #15 (Seaway Newcastle) Bridge Ch13 and Ch16 Seaway Newcastle operates on Ch11 through this area.
G CIP #15 to CIP #16 (Welland Canal) Seaway Ch14 and Ch16 Ch13 Bridge-to-Bridge exemptions through this area.
H CIP #16 to Long Point Lake Erie (Seaway Long Point) Bridge Ch13 and Ch16 Seaway Long Point on Ch11.
I Long Point to Detroit River Light (Lake Erie) Bridge Ch13 and Ch16 Sarnia MCTS Centre operate on Ch12.
J Detroit River Light to Lake St. Clair Light Bridge Ch13 and MCTS Centre Ch12 Sarnia MCTS Centre will monitor Ch16 on behalf of vessels.
K Lake St. Clair Light to Lake Huron Cut Light Buoy “11” Bridge Ch13 and MCTS Centre Ch11 Sarnia MCTS Centre will monitor Ch16 on behalf of vessels.
L Lake Huron Cut Light Buoy “11” to DeTour Reef Light including Cove Island (Lake Huron and Georgian Bay) Bridge Ch13 and Ch16 Sarnia MCTS Centre operate on Ch11 Lake Huron.
M DeTour Reef Light to Île Parisienne Light (St. Mary’s River) Bridge Ch13 and Ch12 USCG Sault Ste Marie (SOO Traffic) will monitor Ch16 on behalf of vessels.
N Île Parisienne Light through Lakes Superior/Michigan Bridge Ch13 and Ch16 -


  1. Portable VHF equipment may be accepted to meet the Ch13 requirement when a ship is required by the Navigation Safety Regulations, 2020, to fit only one radiotelephone installation.
  2. In summary, vessels shall monitor Ch13 Bridge-to-Bridge continuously except in the exempted areas of St. Lambert to Crossover Island and in the Welland Canal where the appropriate Seaway channel must be guarded.
  3. Channel 16 shall also be guarded throughout the Great Lakes Basin except from Detroit River Light to Lake Huron Cut Lighted Buoy “11” (Sarnia Vessel Traffic Services zone) and from DeTour Reef Light to Île Parisienne Light (St. Mary’s River). Since vessels will be guarding Ch13 and the Vessel Traffic Services frequency through the zones, watch on Ch16 will be maintained by Sarnia MCTS for the Sarnia Vessel Traffic Services zone and by USCG Sault Control for the DeTour Reef Light to Île Parisienne zone on behalf of vessels in transit.
  4. While the Ch13 Bridge-to-Bridge guard is to be maintained continuously (except in exempted waters) the watch on Ch16 may be relinquished when reporting at a CIP or exchanging traffic with any station of the maritime mobile service on an appropriate working frequency.
  5. When wishing to contact a Harbour, Bridge or Pilotage authority initial contact should be made on the appropriate working channel as directed.
  6. Information contained in the chart and narrative is based on the latest information at time of printing.

Figure 3-12 - Frequency Guard - Great Lakes Basin

Frequency Guard Great Lakes Basin
Text description of Figure 3-12 Frequency Guard for Great Lakes Basin

This map shows the waters of the Great Lakes Basin, as well as the St. Lawrence River as far east as Montréal, and is used to show the radio frequencies which should be monitored by mariners dependent upon their vessel’s location. Throughout the Great Lakes themselves, mariners should ensure that VHF channel 13 and VHF channel 16 are monitored on their vessel’s bridge. The table shows the changes in monitoring requirements within the different high-level VTS zones.

3.9.9 Strait of Belle Isle – Voluntary Zone

Note: Latitude and longitude positions given for the Strait of Belle Isle Voluntary Vessel Traffic Services zone are in NAD83.

The Canadian Coast Guard has established a voluntary VTS zone in the Strait of Belle Isle, Newfoundland.

The Belle Isle VTS zone includes all waters within the Strait of Belle Isle bounded by a line extending from Double Island, Labrador, 52º15’30”N 055º32’55”W, to Northeast Ledge, Belle Isle, 52º02’11.8”N 055º16’05.6”W, to White Islands, Newfoundland, 51º34’51”N 055º21’05”W; thence, westerly to Partridge Point Light, Newfoundland, 51º34’52.7”N 055º25’16.1”W; thence, westerly along the south shore of the Strait of Belle Isle to Seal Islands, Newfoundland, 51º17’16.2”N 056º45’51.8”W; thence, along a line to Forteau Light, Labrador, 51º28’10.2”N 056º57’12.1”W; and thence, easterly along the north shore of the Strait of Belle Isle to Double Island, Labrador, 52º15’30”N 055º32’55”W.

Vessels required to comply with the Vessel Traffic Services Zones Regulations are requested to participate in the system. Fishing vessels are encouraged to maintain a listening watch or contact “Belle Isle Traffic” on Channel 14 VHF to obtain up-to-date information on vessels reported transiting the Belle Isle VTS zone.

Table 3-27 - Sector and Boundaries for Strait of Belle Isle
Sector Boundaries
1 Eastern Boundary: A line extending from Double Island, Labrador, 52°15’30”N 055°32’55”W, to Northeast Ledge, Belle Isle, 52°02’11.8”N 055°16’05.6”W, to White Islands, Newfoundland, 51°34’51”N 055°21’05”W; thence, westerly to Partridge Point Light, Newfoundland, 51°34’52.7”N 055°25’16.1”W.
Western Boundary: A line joining Seal Island, Newfoundland, 51°17’16.2”N 056°45’51.8”W, to Forteau Light, Labrador, 51°28’10.2”N 056°57’12.1”W.
Table 3-28 - Identification and Frequencies for Strait of Belle Isle
Sector Identifier Channel Frequency (MHz)
1 “Belle Isle Traffic” 14 156.700

Note: Belle Isle Traffic monitors navigation in the traffic zone using Automatic Identification System (AIS).

Table 3-29 - Calling-In-Points for Strait of Belle Isle
Number Sector General Description and Conditions Geographic Description
1A 1 Inbound (Belle Isle South Route) A point at 51°50’29.2”N 055°18’14.6”W.
2A 1 Inbound (Belle Isle South Route) A point at 51°48’23.8”N 055°38’36.3”W.
3A 1 Inbound A point at 51°43’13.8”N 056°07’28.2”W.
4A 1 Inbound A point at 51°33’50.9”N 056°29’59.4”W.
5A 1 Inbound A point at 51°24’07.6”N 056°52’59”W.
1B 1 Outbound (Belle Isle South Route) A point at 51°46’21.4”N 055°18’59.8”W.
2B 1 Outbound (Belle Isle South Route) A point at 51°44’27.1”N 055°37’32.3”W.
3B 1 Outbound A point at 51°39’53.9”N 056°03’54.3”W.
4B 1 Outbound A point at 51°30’30.7”N 056°26’27.1”W.
5B 1 Outbound A point at 51°20’46.4”N 056°49’29.8”W.
1C 1 Inbound (Belle Isle North Route) A point at 52°09’00.4”N 055°24’40.7”W.
2C 1 Inbound (Belle Isle North Route) A point at 51°54’27.4”N 055°45’53.0”W.
1D 1 Outbound (Belle Isle North Route) A point at 52°05’48.0”N 055°20’37.7”W.
2D 1 Outbound (Belle Isle North Route) A point at 51°51’47.3”N 055°41’04.1”W.

All times shall be given in Newfoundland Standard Time or Newfoundland Daylight Saving Time, whichever is in effect.

Figure 3-13 - Vessel Traffic Services – Strait of Belle Isle

Vessel Traffic Services - Strait of Belle Isle
Text description of Figure 3-13 Vessel Traffic Services for the Strait of Belle Isle

This map illustrates the Strait of Belle Isle Voluntary Vessel Traffic Services zone. The Belle Isle Vessel Traffic Services zone includes all waters within the Strait of Belle Isle bounded by a line extending from Double Island, Labrador, 52º15’30”N 55º32’55”W, to Northeast Ledge, Belle Isle, 52º02’11.8”N 55º16’05.6”W, to White Islands, Newfoundland, 51º34’51”N 55º21’05”W; thence, westerly to Partridge Point Light, Newfoundland, 51º34’52.7”N 55º25’16.1”W; thence, westerly along the south shore of the Strait of Belle Isle to Seal Islands, Newfoundland, 51º17’16.2”N 56º45’51.8”W; thence, along a line to Forteau Light, Labrador, 51º28’10.2”N 56º57’12.1”W; and thence, easterly along the north shore of the Strait of Belle Isle to Double Island, Labrador, 52º15’30”N 55º32’55”W. The calling-in-points on the map are identified by a circle with an attached triangle indicating the direction of travel. Inside the circle is a number indicating the number of the calling-in-point. A geographic description of the calling-in-points can be found on the previous tables titled Sector and Boundaries and Calling-in-points.

3.9.10 Strait of Canso and Eastern Approaches

Note: Latitude and longitude positions given for the Strait of Canso and Eastern Approaches Vessel Traffic Services zone are in NAD83.

Table 3-30 - Sector and Boundaries for Strait of Canso and Eastern Approaches
Sector Boundaries
1 All Canadian waters south of the Canso canal north lock gate, 45°38’58.2”N 061°24’57.3”W, contained within the area bounded by a line connecting points 45°38’23.3”N 060°29’15.3”W, 45°25’48.8”N 060°29’34”W, and the Canadian territorial boundary at 45°24’09.3”N 060°29’34.3”W; thence, along Canada’s territorial boundary to a point at 45°18’19.8”N 060°35’03.7”W; and thence, along a line to Cape Canso at 45°18’21.8”N 060°56’16.3”W.
Table 3-31 - Identification and Frequencies for Strait of Canso and Eastern Approaches
Sector Identifier Channel Frequency (MHz)
1 ”Canso Traffic” 14 156.700

Note: Canso Traffic monitors navigation in the traffic zone using radar and Automatic Identification System (AIS).

Table 3-32 - Calling-In-Points for Strait of Canso and Eastern Approaches
Number Sector Name General Description and Conditions Geographic Description
1Y 1 - - A line from 45°38’23.3”N 060°29’15.3”W, to 45°25’48.8”N 060°29’34”W.
1A 1 - Entrance to inbound traffic lane A line from 45°25’48.8”N 060°29’34”W, to the Canadian territorial limit at 45°24’9.3”N 060°29’34.3”W.
1B 1 - Exit from outbound traffic lane A line from 45°23’43.9”N 060°29’58.3”W, along Canada’s territorial boundary, to 45°22’09”N 060°31’27.8”W.
1C 1 - Entrance to inbound traffic lane A line from 45°20’53”N 060°32’39.5”W, along Canada’s territorial boundary, to 45°18’36.8”N 060°34’47.7”W.
1D 1 - Exit from outbound traffic lane A line from 45°18’20.1”N 060°36’30.3”W, to 45°18’20.8”N 060°41’06.3”W.
1E 1 - Exit from outbound traffic lane A line from 45°18’20.8”N 060°41’06.3”W, to 45°18’21.3”N 060°46’04.2”W.
1S 1 - - A line from 45°18’21.3”N 060°46’04.2”W, to 45°18’21.8”N 060°56’16.3”W.
2A 1 - Inbound traffic lane A point at 45°24’40.3”N 060°41’39.3”W.
2B 1 - Outbound traffic lane A point at 45°23’17”N 060°41’39.3”W.
3A 1 - Inbound traffic lane A point at 45°24’32.5”N 060°50’16.3”W.
3B 1 - Outbound traffic lane A point at 45°23’24.5”N 060°50’16.3”W.
4A 1 - Inbound traffic lane A point at 45°24’24.3”N 060°58’45.3”W.
4B 1 - Outbound traffic lane A point at 45°23’24.3”N 060°58’45.3”W.
5S 1 - - A line from 45º21’08.3”N 061º13’49.3”W to 45º25’05.8”N 061º07’10.9”W.
5B 1 - Outbound traffic lane A point at 45º25’14.2”N 061º06’57.0”W.
5A 1 - Inbound traffic lane A point at 45º25’31.3”N 061º06’28.1”W.
5Y 1 - - A line from 45º28’31.3”N 061º01’25.3”W to 45º25’37.8”N 061º06’17.4”W.
6S 1 - - A line from 45º20’58.3”N 061º21’43.4”W to 45º28’07.2”N 061º10’49.8”W.
6B 1 - Outbound traffic lane A point at 45º28’15.2”N 061º10’26.0”W.
6A 1 - Inbound traffic lane A point at 45º28’37.8”N 061º10’03.4”W.
6Y 1 - - A line from 45º31’15.3”N 061º05’59.5”W to 45º28’42.0”N 061º09’56.4”W.
7 1 C14 buoy - A line from 45°34’42.3”N 061°15’52.6”W to 45°31’13.8”N 061°15’40.4”W.
8 1 Critchett Point - A line from 45°33’34.3”N 061°19’03.4”W to 45°32’52.3”N 061°19’44.4”W.
9 1 C26 buoy - A line from 45°36’23.2”N 061°22’14.3”W to 45°36’15.2”N 061°23’13.2”W.
10 1 Canal North Lock Gate - Canso Canal North Lock Gate, 45°38’58.2”N 061°24’57.3”W.

All times shall be given in Atlantic Standard Time or Atlantic Daylight Saving Time, whichever is in effect

Figure 3-14 - Vessel Traffic Services - Strait of Canso and Eastern Approaches

Vessel Traffic Services - Strait of Canso
Text description of Figure 3-14 Vessel Traffic Services for the Strait of Canso and Eastern Approaches

This map illustrates the Strait of Canso Vessel Traffic Services zone. The zone consists of all Canadian waters south of the Canso canal north lock gate, 45°38’58.2”N 61°24’57.3”W, contained within the area bounded by a line connecting points 45°38’23.3”N 60°29’15.3”W, 45°25’48.8”N 60°29’34”W, and the Canadian territorial boundary at 45°24’09.3”N 60°29’34.3”W; then, along Canada’s territorial boundary to a point at 45°18’19.8”N 60°35’03.7”W; and then, along a line to Cape Canso at 45°18’21.8”N 60°56’16.3”W. The calling-in-points on the map are identified by a circle with an attached triangle indicating the direction of travel. Inside the circle is a number and letter indicating a particular calling-in-point. A geographic description of the calling-in-points can be found on the previous tables titled Sector and Boundaries and Calling-in-points.

3.9.11 Prince Rupert

Table 3-33 - Sectors and Boundaries of Prince Rupert North
Sector Boundaries
1 All Canadian waters north of Vancouver Island from a line joining Cape Caution light 51°09’50”N 127°47’06”W; to Mexicana Point 50°54'51.96"N 127°59'58.04"W thence to Cape Sutil 50°52'34.23"N 128°3'7.24"W. Then following the northwestern shore line to Cape Scott thence; a line extending 281° (T) from 50°46’57”N 128°25’32”W to 50°52’00”N 129°05’00”W following a line 220 degrees (T) to the limit of the Territorial Sea; and thence northward following the limit of the Territorial Sea to a line 270 degrees (T) from Cape Knox on the northwestern tip of Graham Island 54°11’00”N 133°05’00”W to the limit of the Territorial Sea, but not including those waters described in Sector 2 or mainland inlets and channels outside VHF coverage.
2 All Canadian waters bounded by a line running from Bareside Point 53°54’12”N 130°16’31”W; to Swede Point 53°53’16”N 130°15’35”W. Then following the northern shoreline of Pitt Island to a position of 53°48’03”N 129°58’31”W; thence to a position of 53°48’41.4”N 129°57’07.9”W; thence northward following the mainland shore to a position of 54°09’38”N 129°57’37”W; thence to a position of 54°11’53”N 129°58’51”W; thence northward following the mainland shore to 54°37’57”N 130°26’31”W; thence to a position of 54°38’02”N 130°26’31”W; thence northward along the west shore of Maskelyne Island to Maskelyne Point 54°38’55”N 130°26’42”W; thence to Wales Point 54°42’17”N 130°28’33”W; thence westward along the shore of Wales Island to 54°42’06”N 130°31’47”W; thence to a position of 54°42’27”N 130°36’50”W; thence westward along the International Boundary to Cape Muzon light 54°39’48”N 132°41’30”W; thence westward along the shore of Dall Island to Point Cornwallis light 54°42’12”N 132°52’17”W; thence southwestward to a point at 54°31’23.9”N 133°12’43.2”W; thence southwestward to a point at 54°21’02.3”N 133°22’32.9”W; thence following the limit of the territorial sea to the south to a point at 54°11’00.0”N 133°28’00.0”W; thence 090 degrees (T) eastwardto Cape Knox on Graham Island 54°11’00”N 133°05’00”W; thence eastward along Graham Island shoreline to Rose Spit 54°11’12.5”N 131°38’43”W; thence southeastward to Seal Rocks 54°00’00”N 130°47’26”W; thence to Oval Point on Porcher Island 53°56’24”N 130°43’15”W, thence eastward following Porcher Island shoreline to Bareside Point.
Table 3-34 - Identification and Frequencies of Prince Rupert
Sector Identifier Channel Frequencies (MHz)
1 "Prince Rupert Traffic" 11 156.550
2 "Prince Rupert Traffic" 71 156.575

Note: Prince Rupert Traffic monitors navigation in the traffic zone using AIS.

Table 3-35 - Calling-In-Points of Prince Rupert North
Number Sector Name General Description and Conditions Geographic Description
1A Change Cape Caution
Cape Sutil
A line from Cape Caution light to Mexicana Point thence to Cape Sutil. A line running from: 51°09'50"N 127°47'06"W to 50°54'51.96"N 127°59'58.04"W to 50°52'34.23"N 128°3' 7.24"W.
1B 1 Dugout Rocks A line joining Dugout Rocks light with Cape Calvert.
Mariners bound for Fitz Hugh Sound shall report ETA Dugout Rocks.
A line running from: 51°22’01.5”N 127°48’23.5”W to 51°25’04”N 127°54’16”W.
1C 1 Pearl Rocks A line joining Pearl Rocks with the southern most of the Sorrow Islands and thence Cape Calvert.
Mariners bound for Queen Charlotte Sound via North Passage shall report ETA Pearl Rocks.
A line running from: 51°22’00”N 128°00’12”W to 51°24’33”N 127°55’18”W; thence 51°25’04”N 127°54’16”W.
2 1 Fog Rocks Fog Rocks light. A line running 090° - 270° (T) through 51°58’21”N 127°55’02”W.
3 1 Walker Island Walker Island light Lama Passage. A line running 090° - 270° (T) through 52°05’58”N 128°06’55”W.
4 1 Barba Point A line joining Barba Point and Boscowitz Point. A line running from: 52°16’11”N 127°44’55”W to 52°16’06”N 127°47’00”W.
5 1 Idol Point A line joining Idol Point light to Graven Point. A line running from: 52°14’19”N 128°16’31”W to 52°15’27”N 128°13’19”W.
6 1 Freeman Point Freeman Point light.
If northbound, mariners shall report ETA Boat Bluff light and Ditmars Point.
Mariners shall advise if intending to transit Hiekish Narrows.
A line running 090° - 270° (T) through 52°33’11.5”N 128°29’18”W.
7 1 Ditmars Point Ditmars Point
If southbound, mariners shall report ETA Boat Bluff light and Freeman Point.
A line running 090° - 270° (T) through 52°43’48”N 128°34’12”W.
8 1 Griffin Point Griffin Point light.
If southbound, mariners shall advise if intending to transit Hiekish Narrows.
A line running 090° - 270° (T) through 53°03’56”N 128°32’54”W.
9 1 Kingcome Point A line joining Kingcome Point light and Angler Cove.. A line running from: 53°17’57”N 128°54’23”W to 53°18’44”N 128°53’17”W.
10 1 Money Point Money Point light.
Mariners bound for Kitimat shall report an ETA for Emilia Island light.
A line running 090° - 270° (T) through 53°22’55”N 129°09’50”W.
11 1 Sainty Point A line joining Sainty Point light and Yolk Point
If northbound, mariners shall report an ETA for Tom Island light and Pitt Island light.
A line running from: 53°22’18”N 129°18’40”W to 53°21’47”N 129°20’00”W.
12 1 Pitt Island light Pitt Island light.
If southbound, mariners shall report an ETA for Tom Island light and Sainty Point light.
A line running 045° - 225° (T) through 53°42’00”N 129°48’38”W.
13A Change Baker Inlet A line across Grenville Channel from Baker Inlet light. A line running 052° - 232° (T) through 53°48’41.4”N 129°57’07.9”W.
13B Change Swede Point A line across Ogden Channel joining Bareside Point and Swede Point. A line joining 53°54’12”N 130°16’31”W and 53°53’16”N 130°15’35”W.
14A 2 Lawyer Islands A line joining Hunt Point and Lawyer Islands. A line joining 54°06’11”N 130°24’54”W; to 54°06’36”N 130°20’12”W.
14B 2 Genn Islands A line joining Lawyer Islands and Hazel Point. A line joining 54°06’36”N 130°20’12”W to 54°07’03”N 130°14’39”W.
15A 2 Petrel Rock A line from Digby Island to West Kinahan Island. A line running 180° (T) from 54°15’33”N 130°25’00”W to 54°12’30”N 130°25’00”W.
15B 2 Greentop Islet A line from West Kinahan Island to a position near Greentop Islet. A line running from: 54°12’30”N 130°25’00”W; to 54°10’40”N 130°25’00”W.
15C 2 Holland Rock A line from a position near Greentop Islet to Kitson Island. A line running from: 54°10’40”N 130°25’00”W to 54°10’40”N 130°19’00”W.
16 2 Lucy Islands A line from Lucy Islands light to Tugwell Island. A line running from: 54°17’46”N 130°36’25”W to 54°19’10”N 130°30’54”W.
17 2 Pillsbury Point A line joining Pillsbury Point and Tobey Point. A line running from: 54°17’58”N 130°21’05”W to 54°17’58”N 130°22’55”W.
18 2 Edye Passage A 3 NM arc centered on Table Point. Mariners are encouraged to call at Gull Rocks when entering or exiting Edye Passage. An arc centered on 54°03’49”N 130°31’55”W; Radius 3 nautical miles bearing from seaward 137° - 233° (T).
19 2 Wales Point A line joining Wales Point to Maskelyne Point. A line running from: 54°42’17”N 130°28’33”W to 54°38’55”N 130°26’42”W.
20A 2 Butterworth Rocks A line from Jacinto Point light to Butterworth Rocks light thence to Seal Rocks light.
Mariners shall report routing if not using Brown Passage.
A line running from: 54°34’47”N 131°04’30”W to 54°14’08”N 130°58’30”W, thence 54°00’00”N 130°47’26”W.
20B Change Seal Rocks A line joining Seal Rocks light to Oval Point on Porcher Island. A line running from: 54°00’00”N 130°47’26”W to 53°56’24”N 130°43’15”W.
21 Change Rose Spit Seal Rocks A line joining Rose Spit with Seal Rock light. A line running from: 54°11’12.5”N 131°38’43”W to 54°00’00”N 130°47’26”W.
22 2 Rose Spit A line extending 000° (True) from Rose Spit to the International Boundary. A line running 000° (T) from 54°11’12.5”N 131°38’43”W to the International Boundary.
23 2 International Boundary Dixon Entrance A line following the International Boundary between Alaska, USA and British Columbia, Canada between Cape Muzon light and Wales Island.
Mariners shall report whether their route is through Holliday Passage, Oriflamme Passage or Main Passage when transiting Chatham Sound.
A line running from: 54°39’48”N 132°41’30”W to 54°42’06”N 130°31’47”W.
24 2 Zone Limit A line running from Point Cornwallis light extending on a southwestward arc following the limit of the Territorial Sea to 54°11’00”N 133°28’34.6”W. A line running from: 54°42’12”N 132°52’17”W; to 54°11’00”N 133°28’34.6”W along the limit of the Territorial Sea.
25 Change Cape Knox A line extending 270° (True) from Cape Knox to the limit of the Territorial Sea. A line running 270° (T) from 54°11’00”N 133°05’00”W; to the limit of the Territorial Sea.
26 1 Tasu Sound A line extending 220° (True) from Davidson Point light to the limit of the Territorial Sea Mariners shall report at Davidson Point entering or exiting Tasu Sound. A line running 220° (T) from 52°44’32”N 132°06’42”W to the limit of the Territorial Sea.
27 1 Cape St. James A line extending 220° (True) from Cape St. James light to the limit of the Territorial Sea. A line running 220° (T) from 51°56’10”N 131°00’52”W to the limit of the Territorial Sea.
28 1 McInnes Island Cape St. James A line joining McInnes Island light and Cape St. James light. A line running from: 52°15’42”N 128°43’13”W to 51°56’10”N 131°00’52”W.
29 1 Cape Mark McInnes Island A line from Cape Mark light to McInnes Island light. A line running from: 52°08’59”N 128°32’18”W to 52°15’42”N 128°43’13”W.
30 1 Bonilla Island Sandspit A line joining Bonilla Island sector light and Sandspit aeronautical beacon. A line running from: 53°29’34”N 130°38’09”W to 53°15’10”N 131°48’48”W.
31 1 Lawn Point A 3 NM arc centered on Lawn Point. An arc centered on 53°25’29.7”N 131°54’50.2”W; Radius 3 nautical miles, bearing from seaward 180° - 000° (T.).
32 1 White Rocks A line joining Browning Entrance light to Hankin Rock light. A line running from: 53°38’05”N 130°33’48”W to 53°42’28”N 130°24’36”W.
33 1 Duckers Islands A line joining Duckers Islands light to Dupont Island light.
If northbound, mariners shall report whether route is through Squally Channel or Whale Channel.
A line running from: 52°55’31.4”N 129°11’28.5”W to 52°56’23.3”N 129°26’10.2”W.
34 1 Wilson Rock A line across Laredo Channel through Wilson Rock. A line running 232° - 052° (T) through 52°40’00”N 128°57’55”W.
35 Change Triangle Island A line extending 220° (True) from Triangle Island to the limit of the Territorial Sea. A line running 220° (T) from 50°52’00”N 129°05’00”W to 50°42’11”N 129°18’00”W.
36 Change Cape Scott A line joining Cape Scott light with Triangle Island. A line running from: 50°46’57”N 128°25’32”W to 50°52’00”N 129°05’00”W

All times shall be given in Pacific Standard Time or Pacific Daylight Saving Time, whichever is in effect.

Figure 3-15 - Vessel Traffic Services - Prince Rupert North - Sector 1

Prince Rupert - Vessel Traffic Services - Sector 1
Text description of Figure 3-15 Vessel Traffic Services - Prince Rupert North - Sector 1

The map portrayed in Figure 3-15 is of Sector 1 of the Prince Rupert MCTS VTS Zone as described in detail in the following three tables: Sectors and Boundaries, Identification and Frequencies, and Calling-In-Points.

Figure 3-16 - Vessel Traffic Services - Prince Rupert North - Sector 2

Prince Rupert - Vessel Traffic Services - Sector 2
Text description of Figure 3-16 Vessel Traffic Services - Prince Rupert North - Sector 2

The map portrayed in Figure 3-16 is of Sector 2 of the Prince Rupert MCTS VTS Zone as described in detail in the following three tables: Sectors and Boundaries, Identification and Frequencies, and Calling-In-Points.

Table 3-36 - Sectors and Boundaries for Prince Rupert South
Sector Boundaries
1 The following describes all Canadian waters which are contained in the Prince Rupert Vessel Traffic Services Zone excluding those United States waters within that portion of the Canada/United States Co-operative Vessel Traffic Management System (CVTMS) administered by the Prince Rupert Vessel Traffic Centre bounded by a line drawn from: 48°28’36”N 124°40’00”W, to 48°34’58”N 124°40’00”W, thence following the shoreline to 48°40’00”N 124°51’00”W, to 48°40’11.5”N 124°51’29”W, thence following the shoreline to 48°43’18”N 125°05’54”W, to 48°47’16”N 125°12’59.5”W thence following the shoreline to 48°53’03”N 125°04’24”W, to 48°56’00”N 125°01’50.5”W thence following the shoreline to 48°56’51”N 125°00’02.5”W to 48°57’28”N 124°59’15”W, thence following the shoreline to 49°14’27”N 124°48’46”W, to 49°14’27”N 124°50’13.5”W thence following the shoreline to 49°04’13.5”N 124°51’16”W, to 49°03’20.5”N 124°51’44”W, thence following the shoreline to 48°59’03”N 124°57’54”W, to 48°58’41”N 124°59’34”W, thence following the shoreline to 48°57’19”N 125°01’50”W, to 48°57’57”N 125°04’50.5”W to 48°59’06”N 125°09’39.5”W to 48°58’48”N 125°10’57”W, thence following the shoreline to 49°00’59.5”N 125°18’39”W, to 49°01’54”N 125°19’26.5”W thence following the shoreline to 48°55’18”N 125°30’29”W, to 48°55’18”N 125°32’06.5”W thence following the shoreline to 49°05’41”N 125°53’18”W, to 49°17’03”N 126°13’44”W, to 49°23’00”N 126°32’34”W, to 49°44’57”N 126°58’54”W, to 49°51’35”N 127°08’56”W, to 49°59’49”N 127°27’06”W, to 50°04’48”N 127°48’47”W, thence following the shoreline to 50°13’14”N 127°47’54”W, to 50°19’28”N 127°58’26”W, thence following the shoreline to 50°21’09”N 127°59’27.5”W to 50°26’38”N 128°02’43.5”W to 50°28’11”N 128°06’05”W, thence following the shoreline to 50°38’23.5”N 128°19’35”W, to 50°40’15”N 128°21’40”W, thence following the shoreline to 50°46’57”N 128°25’32”W, to 50°52’00”N 129°05’00”W, thence following a line 220° (T) to the limit of the Territorial Sea 50°42’11”N 129°18’00”W, thence following the Territorial Sea Boundary south eastward to intersect the International boundary at 48°28’36”N 124°40’00”W, thence a line Northward to the Canadian shoreline at 48°34’58”N 124°40’00”W.
Table 3-37 - Identification and Frequencies for Prince Rupert
Sector Identifier Channel Frequencies (MHz)
1 "Prince Rupert Traffic" 74 156.725

Note: Prince Rupert Traffic monitors navigation in the traffic zone using radar and AIS.

Table 3-38 - Calling-In-Points for Prince Rupert South
Number Sector Name General Description and Conditions Geographic Description
1 1 Zone Limit A line running north along the meridian 124°40'00"W from the International Boundary to the Vancouver Island shoreline.
Administered by Seattle and Prince Rupert Traffic (CVTS).
2 1 Cape Beale A line joining Cape Beale light with Amphitrite Point light.
Mariners shall indicate whether their course is through Trevor Channel, Imperial Eagle Channel or Loudoun Channel.
A line joining: 48°47’13”N 125°12’51”W to 48°55’17”N 125°32’23”W.
3 1 Chup Point. A line joining Chup Point with Mutine Point. A line joining: 48°57’20”N 125°01’37”W to 48°56’33”N 125°01’06”W.
4 1 Ten Mile Point A line extending 256° (True) from Ten Mile Point light to the opposite shore of Alberni Inlet. A line extending 256° (T) from 49°03’34”N 124°50’22”W to 49°03’20.5”N 124°51’44”W.
5 1 Dunsmuir Point A line extending 090° (True) from Dunsmuir Point light to the opposite shore of Alberni Inlet. A line extending 090° (T) from 49°09’16”N 124°48’26”W to 49°09’16”N 124°47’42”W.
6 1 Amphitrite Point A line extending 220° (True) from Amphitrite Point light to the limit of the Territorial Sea. A line extending 220° (T) from 48°55’17”N 125°32’23”W to 48°46’06”N 125°44’02”W.
7 1 Estevan Point A line extending 220° (True) from Estevan Point light to the limit of the Territorial Sea. A line extending 220° (T) from 49°23’00”N 126°32‘32”W to 49°13’47”N 126°44’25.5”W.
8 1 Nootka Sound A line joining Estevan Point light and Bajo Point. A line joining: 49°23’00”N 126°32’32”W to 49°37’06”N 126°49’35”W.
9 1 Esperanza Inlet A line joining Ferrer Point and Tatchu Point. A line joining: 49°44’57”N 126°58’54”W to 49°51’35”N 127°08’56”W.
10 1 Solander Island A line extending 220° (True) from Solander Island light to the limit of the Territorial Sea. A line extending 220° (T) from 50°06’40.5”N 127°56’17”W to 49°57’26”N 128°08’16”W.
11 1 Kains Island (Quatsino Sound) A line joining Kwakiutl Point and Cape Parkins. A line joining: 50°21’09”N 127°59’27.5”W to 50°26’38”N 128°02’43.5”W.
12 1 Cape Scott Triangle Island A line extending 281° (True) from Cape Scott light, passing through Cox and Lanz Islands to Triangle Island. A line extending 281° (T) from 50°46’57”N 128°25’32”W to 50°52’00”N 129°05’00”W.
13 1 Zone Limit A line extending 220° (True) from Triangle Island to the limit of the Territorial Sea. A line extending 220° (T) from 50°52’00”N 129°05’00”W to 50°42’11”N 129°18’00”W.

All times shall be given in Pacific Standard Time or Pacific Daylight Saving Time whichever is in effect.

Figure 3-17 - Vessel Traffic Services – Prince Rupert South – Sector 1

Tofino - Vessel Traffic Services
Text description of Figure 3-17 Vessel Traffic Services – Prince Rupert South – Sector 1

The map portrayed in Figure 3-17 is of the Prince Rupert South MCTS VTS Zone as described in detail in the following three tables: Sectors and Boundaries, Identification and Frequencies, and Calling-In-Points.

3.9.12 Victoria

While identified in some publications as the Vancouver Vessel Traffic Services Zone, this area is managed by the Victoria MCTS Centre.

Table 3-39 - Sectors and Boundaries for Victoria
Sector Boundaries
1 All Canadian waters north of and included within a line from the shoreline of Vancouver Island at 48°34’58”N 124°40’00”W; southward along the meridian of longitude 124°40’00”W, to a point which intersects the International Boundary; thence following the International Boundary eastward and northward through the waters known as the Strait of Juan de Fuca, Haro Strait, Boundary Passage, and the Strait of Georgia to a point which intersects the Canadian shoreline at 49°00’00”N 123°05’20”W; thence to Roberts Bank light 49°05’16”N 123°18’31.5”W; thence to Sandheads light 49°06’23”N 123°18’04”W; thence to the Iona breakwater light 49°12’18”N 123°15’50”W; thence 270° (T) 6.6 nautical miles to 49°12’18”N 123°25 53”W; thence 000° (T) 8.15 nautical miles to Cape Roger Curtis light 49°20’24”N 123°25’53”W; thence 303° (T) 4.8 nautical miles to Gower Point 49°23’01”N 123°32’06”W; thence following the shoreline to a line joining Reception Point light 49°28’15.9”N 123°53’12”W; to Merry Island light 49°28’03.5”N 123°54’40”W; to Ballenas Island light 49°21’02”N 124°09’32”W; to Cottam Point 49°18’57”N 124°12’45”W.
2 All Canadian waters of the south or main arm of the Fraser River east of the Sandheads light 49°06’23”N 123°18’04”W; to a line running 090° (T) from Shoal Point 49°11’45”N 122°54’51”W, to the opposite south shore.
3 All Canadian waters contained north and east of a line from the Iona breakwater light, 49°12’18”N 123°15’50”W; thence 270° (T) 6.6 nautical miles to 49°12’18”N 123°25’53”W; thence 000° (T) 8.15 nautical miles to Cape Roger Curtis light 49°20’24”N 123°25’53”W; thence 303° (T) 4.8 nautical miles to Gower Point 49°23’01”N 123°32’06”W; including all the waters of Howe Sound and Burrard Inlet.
4 All Canadian waters bounded on the south by a line from Reception Point light, 49°28’15.9”N 123°53’12”W; to Merry Island light 49°28’03.5”N 123°54’40”W; to Ballenas Island light 49°21’02”N 124°09’32”W; to Cottam Point 49°18’57”N 124°12’45”W; and bounded on the north by a line from Cape Sutil 50°52'34.23"N 128°3' 7.24"W to Mexicana Point 50°54'51.96"N 127°59'58.04"W then to Cape Caution 51°09'50"N 127°47'06"W.
Table 3-40 - Identification and Frequencies for Victoria
Sector Identifier Channel Frequency (MHz)
1 "Seattle Traffic" (CIP 1, 3, 5, and 8) 05A/1005 156.250
1 "Victoria Traffic" 11 156.550
2 "Victoria Traffic" 74 156.725
3 "Victoria Traffic" 12 156.600
4 "Victoria Traffic" 71 156.575

Note: Seattle and Victoria Traffic Sectors 1, 2 and 3 monitor navigation in the traffic zone using radar and AIS. Victoria Traffic Sector 4 monitors navigation in the traffic zone using AIS.

Table 3-41 - Calling-In-Points for Victoria
Number Sector Name General Description and Conditions Geographic Description
1 Change Zone Limit A line running north along the meridian 124°40’00”W from the International Boundary to the Vancouver Island shoreline.
Administered by Seattle and Prince Rupert Traffic (CVTS).
A line running north from 48°28’36”N 124°40’00”W to 48°34’58”N 124°40’00”W.
3 Change Race Rocks A line running 090° -270° (True) through Race Rocks light.
Administered by Seattle and Victoria Traffic (CVTS).
A line running 090° - 270° (T) through 48°17’54”N 123°31’54”W.
4 1 Buoy "VH" A line running 000° -180° (True) through buoy "VH". A line running 000° -180° (T) through 48°22’32”N 123°23’29”W.
5 Change Hein Bank A line joining Hein Bank with Cattle Point light, San Juan Island.
Administered by Seattle and Victoria Traffic (CVTS).
A line running from: 48°22’00”N 123°02’01”W to 48°27’03”N 122°57’45”W.
6 1 Turn Point 3 NM before reaching Turn Point light. A circle centered on 48°41’20”N 123°14’10”W, Radius 3 nautical miles.
7 1 East Point A line joining East Point light, Saturna Island with Patos Island light.
Mariners are encouraged to call 3NM from East Point light when entering or exiting Boundary Pass.
A line running from: 48°47’00”N 123°02’42”W to 48°47’24”N 122°58’13”W.
8 Change Patos Island A line joining, Patos Island light with Alden Bank light and gong buoy "A".
Administered by Seattle and Victoria Traffic (CVTS).
A line running from: 48°47’24”N 122°58’13”W to 48°50’24”N 122°52’32”W.
9 1 At Portlock Point At Portlock Point. A line running 090° - 270° (T) through 48°49’41”N 123°21’02”W.
10 1 Peile Point At Peile Point light. A line running 045° - 225° (T) through 48°51’00”N 123°24’14”W.
11 1 Active Pass Approaching from the Strait of Georgia, 3NM Northeast of Georgina Point light.
Entering Strait of Georgia when clear of Active Pass.
An arc centered on 48°52’24.5”N 123°17’24.5”W Radius 3 nautical miles.
12 Change Sandheads At Sandheads light. A line running 000° - 180° (T) through 49°06’23”N 123°18’04”W.
12A 2 Woodward Island (Crown Forest) At Woodward Island light at N.E. end of Island. A line running 000° - 180° (T) through 49°06’23.5”N 123°07’29.5”W.
12B 2 La Farge At La Farge Cement Plant. A line running 157° - 337° (T) through 49°09’16.5”N 123°00’15”W.
12C Change Shoal Point
Zone Limit
At Shoal Point
Limit of Sector 2 – Victoria Traffic.
A line running 090° - 270° (T) through 49°11’45”N 122°54’51”W.
13 1 West Porlier Pass 3 NM before entry to or after exit from Porlier Pass. An arc centered on Virago Rock Sector light LL. 289.3, 49°00’46.5”N 123°35’29.5”W, Radius 3 nautical miles on a line of bearing from seaward 350° - 130° (T).
14 1 East Porlier Pass 3 NM before entry to or after exit from Porlier Pass. An arc centered on Virago Rock Sector light LL. 289.3, 49°00’46.5”N 123°35’29.5”W, Radius 3 nautical miles on a line of bearing from seaward 180° - 265° (T).
15A Change Iona A line due west of the Iona Breakwater light intersecting with Cape Roger Curtis line (15B). A line running from: 49°12’18”N 123°15’50”W, to 49°12’18”N 123°25’53”W.
15B Change Cape Roger Curtis A line due south of Cape Roger Curtis intersecting with Iona Breakwater light line (15A). A line running from: 49°12’18”N 123°25’53”W to 49°20’24”N 123°25’53”W.
15C Change Gower Point A line joining Cape Roger Curtis and Gower Point. A line running from: 49°20’24”N 123°25’53”W to 49°23’01”N 123°32’06”W.
16 3 Halkett Point A line joining Halkett Point and the mainland at a point south of Lions Bay. A line running 090°- 270° (T) from 49°26’43”N 123°19’12”W, to the mainland shoreline.
17 3 Grace Island A line joining Grace Island light and the mainland at a point south of Langdale. A line running 090° - 270° (T) from 49°25’50”N 123°26’48”W, to the mainland shoreline.
18 3 Cowan Point Point Atkinson A line joining Cowan Point light on Bowen Island with Point Atkinson light on the mainland. A line running from: 49°20’08.5”N 123°21’34.5”W to 49°19’50”N 123°15’48”W.
19 3 Dundarave 2 NM west of Lions Gate Bridge Eastbound only report. A line running 000° - 180° (T) through buoy "QB" 49°19’02.5”N 123°12’00”W.
20 3 Vanterm A line joining the west end of Vancouver Ocean Terminals with the east end of Burrard Yarrows Corporation Dry Dock.
Outbound vessel traffic will be given First Narrows advisory at Vanterm (CIP 20).
Vessel traffic departing west of CIP 20 will be given First Narrows advisory on departure.
Outbound vessels broadcast position at Burnaby Shoal. An updated traffic advisory will be given as required.
A line running 358° - 178° (T) from 49°17’23”N 123°04’33”W to 49°18’21”N 123°04’37”W.
21 3 Berry Point A line running 000° -180° (True) from Berry Point light to intersect the opposite north shoreline.
Westbound only report.
A line running 000° - 180° (T) from 49°17’43”N 122°59’09”W.
22 3 Roche Point At Roche Point light. A line running 000° - 180° (T) through 49°18’02.5”N 122°57’17”W.
23 1 Entrance Island/ Five Fingers Island A line joining Entrance Island light and Five Fingers Island. A line running from: 49°12’34”N 123°48’25”W to 49°13’53”N 123°54’52”W.
24 Change Ballenas Island Merry Island Welcome Passage A line joining Ballenas Island light and Merry Island light; thence Reception Point light.
When northbound, mariners shall indicate whether their route is through Malaspina Strait via Epsom Pt or Welcome Passage, Sabine Channel, Stevens Passage, West of Sisters Island or Ballenas Channel.
A line running from: 49°28’15.9”N 123°53’12”W to 49°28’03.5”N 123°54’40”W to 49°21’02”N 124°09’32”W to 49°18’57”N 124°12’45”W.
25 4 Cape Lazo Powell River A line joining Cape Lazo light and Powell River Breakwater South Entrance South light.
When southbound, mariners shall indicate whether their route is through Malaspina Strait via Epsom Pt or Welcome Passage, Sabine Channel, Stevens Passage, West of Sisters Island or Ballenas Channel.
A line running from: 49°42’24.5”N 124°51’41.5”W to 49°51’36.9”N 124°33’05.7”W.
26 4 Cape Mudge At Cape Mudge light.
If northbound, mariners shall report ETA for Steep Island and Maud Island light.
A line running 090° - 270° (T) through 49°59’56”N 125°11’38”W.
27 4 Steep Island At Steep Island light.
If northbound, mariners shall report ETA for Separation Head and update Maud Island light ETA if any change.
A line running 050° - 230° (T) through 50°04’45”N 125°15’06”W.
28 4 Separation Head At Separation Head.
If southbound, mariners shall report ETA for Steep Island and update Maud Island light ETA if any change.
A line running 090° - 270° (T) through 50°10’51”N 125°21’02”W.
29 4 Cinque Island At Cinque Island light.
If southbound, mariners shall report ETA for Separation Head and Maud Island light.
A line running 090° - 270° (T) through 50°17’44”N 125°23’59.5”W.
30 4 Ripple Point Ripple Point light. A line running 000° - 180° (T) through 50°22’05”N 125°34’42”W.
31 4 Vansittart Point Vansittart Point light. A line running 000° - 180° (T) through 50°22’37”N 125°44’31”W.
32 4 Fanny Island Fanny Island light. A line running 045° - 225° (T) through 50°27’13”N 125°59’30”W.
33 4 Boat Bay Boat Bay light. A line running 000° - 180° (T) through 50°31’11”N 126°34’37”W.
34 4 Lizard Point Lizard Point light.
When northbound at Lizard Point, mariners shall indicate whether their route is through Goletas Channel, Gordon Channel, Ripple Passage or Richards Channel.
A line running 045° - 225° (T) through 50°40’17.5”N 126°53’36”W.
35 4 Lewis Point Lewis Point light. A line running 000° - 180° (T) through 50°33’07”N 126°51’10”W.
36 4 Pulteney Point 3 NM north of Pulteney Point light.
When southbound, call 3NM before Pulteney Point light.
When northbound, call at Pulteney Point light, mariners shall indicate whether their route is through Goletas Channel, Gordon Channel, Ripple Passage or Richards Channel.
An arc centered on 50°37’51”N 127°09’12”W, Radius 3 nautical miles.
37 4 Doyle Island Doyle Island light. A line running 045° - 225° (T) through 50°48’20”N 127°27’32”W.
38 4 Pine Island Pine Island light. A line running 045° - 225° (T) through 50°58’33”N 127°43’35”W.
39 Change

Cape Caution

Cape Sutil

A line from Cape Caution light to Mexicana Point thence to Cape Sutil. When southbound at Cape Caution, mariners shall indicate whether their route is through Scott Channel, Goletas Channel (Nahwitti Bar), Gordon Channel (Pine Island), Bolivar Passage, Ripple Passage or Richards Channel. A line running from: 51°09'50"N 127°47'06"W to 50°54' 51.96"N 127°59'58.04"W to 50°52'34.23"N 128°3'7.24"W.

All times shall be given in Pacific Standard Time or Pacific Daylight Saving Time whichever is in effect.

Figure 3-18 - Vessel Traffic Services - Vancouver - Sector 1

Vessel Traffic Services - Vancouver - Sector 1
Text description of Figure 3-18 - Vessel Traffic Services - Vancouver - Sector 1

The map portrayed in Figure 3-18 is of Sector 1 of the Vancouver MCTS VTS Zone as described in detail in the following three tables: Sectors and Boundaries, Identification and Frequencies, and Calling-In-Points.

Figure 3-19 - Vessel Traffic Services - Vancouver - Sectors 2 and 3

Vancouver Vessel Traffic Services Sector 2 and 3
Text description of Figure 3-19 - Vessel Traffic Services - Vancouver - Sectors 2 and 3

The map portrayed in Figure 3-19 is of Sectors 2 and 3 of the Vancouver MCTS VTS Zone as described in detail in the following three tables: Sectors and BoundariesIdentification and Frequencies, and Calling-In-Points.

Figure 3-20 - Vessel Traffic Services - Vancouver - Sector 4

Vessel Traffic Services - Vancouver - Sector 4
Text description of Figure 3-20 - Vessel Traffic Services - Vancouver - Sector 4

The map portrayed in Figure 3-20 is of Sector 4 of the Vancouver MCTS VTS Zone as described in detail in the following three tables: Sectors and Boundaries, Identification and Frequencies, and Calling-In-Points.

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