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Radio Aids to Marine Navigation 2025
Part 1: Foreword

1.1 Advance Notices

In order for mariners to have advance knowledge of proposed changes to existing facilities and services, all additions, deletions and changes to such facilities under the jurisdiction of the Canadian Coast Guard are listed below. Effective dates of changes and dates for the commissioning of new facilities and services are extremely hard to forecast due to difficulties in obtaining materials and are subject to the provision of necessary funds. Every effort will be made to amend dates as far in advance as possible. A Notice to Mariners will be issued for all changes to facilities and the commissioning of new facilities and services.

1.1.1 Marine Mammal Protection

Working in collaboration with other government departments/agencies, Canadian Coast Guard’s (CCG) Marine Communications and Traffic Services (MCTS) Centres are monitoring vessel traffic for compliance with new measures toward the protection of marine mammals. Vessels of 13m or more in length are to comply with relevant Interim Orders, Ship Safety Bulletins, and Notices to Mariners with regard to the protection of the North Atlantic Right Whale and Southern Resident killer whale.

Working in collaboration with other government departments/agencies, Canadian Coast Guard’s (CCG) Marine Communications and Traffic Services (MCTS) Centres are monitoring vessel traffic for compliance with new measures toward the protection of marine mammals. North Atlantic Right Whale

Up to date Navigational Warning (NAVWARN) information with regard to Static Zones, Dynamic Shipping zones, Seasonal Management Areas and the Shediac Valley Restricted Area is available at the Navigational Warnings website Southern Resident Killer Whale

  1. Speed Restricted Zone NAVWARN (Effective June 1, 2025 until November 30, 2025) information is available in the SRZ Navigational Warning.
  2. Interim Sanctuary Zone NAVWARN (Effective June 1, 2025 until November 30, 2025) information is available in the ISZ Navigational Warning.
  3. 400 Metres Approach Distance and Ban Against Positioning Vessel in Path of a Killer Whale remain in effect until May 31, 2025.

Note: Roseway Basin Seasonal Area is to be avoided. In order to significantly reduce the risk of ship strikes of the highly endangered North Atlantic Right Whale, it is recommended that ships of 300 tons gross tonnage and upwards in transit during the period of June 1st through December 31st should avoid this area. Any sightings are to be reported to Halifax MCTS.

1.1.2 New Electronic Form for NORDREG Sailing Plan Reporting

Northern Canada Vessel Traffic Services Zone (NORDREG) now requires that NORDREG Sailing Plan Reports (RAMN 3.8.3 refers) be completed using a new Microsoft Excel form available from the CCG’s e-Navigation portal. This report shall be submitted to NORDREG by email at or to the nearest CCG MCTS Centre.

Please ensure that Sailing Reports are completed using the correct version of the electronic form before submitting to NORDREG. The latest version of the report can be downloaded from the web portal noted above.

1.2 Canadian Maritime Mobile Service Safety and Public Correspondence Communication Frequencies

The frequencies listed on the following pages are those in general use for ship/shore communications with MCTS operated by the CCG.

Part 2 of this publication contains individual listings for MCTS Centres operated by the CCG, giving details of the communication and special services provided to ships.

Table 1-1 - Maritime Mobile Service Safety and Communication Frequencies MF/HF Available at MCTS Centres
Carrier Frequency
Carrier Frequency
Channel Class of Emission Remarks
- 490 - F1B National NAVTEX Service (French).
- 518 - F1B International NAVTEX Service (English).
- 2054 - J3E CCG MSI.
2103.5 - - J3E Government use only.
2118 2514 - J3E Public Correspondence.
- 2514 - J3E CCG MSI.
2142 2538 - J3E Public Correspondence.
2142 2558 - J3E Public Correspondence.
2182 2182 - J3E International Distress/Safety (RT). Call/Reply.
2206 2582 - J3E Public Correspondence.
- 2598 - J3E CCG MSI.
2815 2530 - J3E Public Correspondence.
- 2749 - J3E CCG MSI.
4071 4363 403 J3E Public Correspondence.
- 4363 - J3E CCG MSI.
4083 4375 - J3E Public Correspondence.
4116 4408 - J3E Public Correspondence.
4125 4125 - J3E International Distress/Safety (Radiotelephony). Call/Reply.
4177.5 4177.5 - F1B International Distress/Safety (NBDP).
4207.5 4207.5 - F1B International Distress/Safety (DSC).
- 4416 - J3C Radiofacsimile
5803 5803 - J3E Distress/Safety. Calling/Reply.
6200 6501 601 J3E Public Correspondence.
6206 6507 603 J3E Public Correspondence. CCG MSI.
6212 6513 605 J3E Public Correspondence.
6215 6215 606 J3E International Distress/Safety. Call/Reply.
- 6218.6 - J3E CCG MSI.
6268 6268 - F1B International Distress/Safety (NBDP).
6312 6312 - F1B International Distress/Safety (DSC).
- 6915.1 - J3C Radiofacsimile
8228 8752 812 J3E Public Correspondence.
8270 8794 826 J3E Public Correspondence.
8291 8291 - J3E International Distress/Safety (RT).
8376.5 8376.5 - F1B International Distress/Safety (NBDP).
8414.5 8414.5 - F1B International Distress/Safety (DSC).
- 8416.5 - F1B International MSI Broadcast (NBDP).
12230 13077 1201 J3E Public Correspondence.
12290 12290 1221 J3E International Distress/Safety. Call/Reply.
12520 12520 - F1B International Distress/Safety (NBDP).
12577 12577 - F1B International Distress/Safety (DSC).
16420 16420 1621 J3E International Distress/Safety. Call/Reply.
16695 16695 - F1B International Distress/Safety (NBDP).
16804.5 16804.5 - F1B International Distress/Safety (DSC).

Note: The assigned frequency is 1.4 kHz higher than the carrier frequency. Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED) will be consulting with all Canadians on the outcome of the World Radio Conference-19 (WRC-19) before implementing changes to Radiocommunications and Broadcasting Regulations-2 (RBR-2) and this table.

Table 1-2 - Maritime Mobile Safety and Communication Frequencies VHF
New Channel Designator Old Channel Designator Frequencies (MHz)(Ship) Frequencies (MHz)(Coast) Class of Emission Remarks
60 60 156.025 160.625 - -
01 01 156.050 160.650 - -
1001 01A 156.050 156.050 - -
61 61 156.075 160.675 F3E DFO/CCG liaison. Commercial fishing.
1061 61A 156.075 156.075 F3E DFO/CCG liaison. Commercial fishing.
02 02 156.100 160.700 - Public Correspondence.
62 62 156.125 160.725 F3E DFO/CCG liaison. Commercial fishing.
1062 62A 156.125 156.125 F3E DFO/CCG liaison. Commercial fishing.
03 03 156.150 160.750 - -
63 63 156.175 160.775 - -
1063 63A 156.175 156.175 - -
04 04 156.200 160.800 F3E DFO/CCG liaison. Commercial fishing.
1004 04A 156.200 156.200 F3E DFO/CCG liaison. Commercial fishing.
64 64 156.225 160.825 - -
1064 64A 156.225 156.225 F3E Commercial fishing.
05 05 156.250 160.850 - -
1005 05A 156.250 156.250 F3E VTS
65 65 156.275 160.875 - -
1065 65A 156.275 156.275 - SAR/Safety.
06 06 156.300 156.300 F3E SAR/Safety Communications between ships and aircraft. Intership.
2006 06A 160.900 160.900 G2B Experimental – AIS Systems.
66 66 156.325 160.925 - -
1066 66A 156.325 156.325 F3E -
07 07 156.350 160.950 - -
1007 07A 156.350 156.350 F3E -
67 67 156.375 156.375 F3E SAR/Safety Communications between ships and aircraft. Commercial fishing.
08 08 156.400 156.400 F3E Intership.
68 68 156.425 156.425 F3E -
09 09 156.450 156.450 F3E VTS. Intership.
69 69 156.475 156.475 F3E Commercial fishing.
10 10 156.500 156.500 F3E VTS. Intership.
70 70 156.525 156.525 G2B International Distress and Safety (DSC).
11 11 156.550 156.550 F3E VTS. Pilotage.
71 71 156.575 156.575 F3E VTS
12 12 156.600 156.600 F3E VTS. Port Operations. Pilotage.
72 72 156.625 - F3E -
13 13 156.650 156.650 F3E VTS. Bridge to Bridge navigational traffic.
73 73 156.675 156.675 F3E SAR/Safety Communications between ships and aircraft. Commercial fishing.
14 14 156.700 156.700 F3E VTS. Port Operations. Pilotage.
74 74 156.725 156.725 F3E VTS
15 15 156.750 156.750 F3E VTS. Intership.
75 75 156.775 156.775 F3E -
16 16 156.800 156.800 F3E International Distress and Safety (RT).
76 76 156.825 156.825 F3E -
17 17 156.850 156.850 F3E Intership.
77 77 156.875 156.875 F3E -
18 18 156.900 161.500 F3E -
1018 18A 156.900 156.900 F3E -
78 78 156.925 161.525 F3E -
1078 78A 156.925 156.925 F3E Intership for fishing vessels.
2078 78B - 161.525 F3E -
19 19 156.950 161.550 F3E CCG MSI Broadcasts.
1019 19A 156.950 - F3E DFO/CCG liaison.
2019 19B - 161.550 F3E -
79 79 156.975 161.575 F3E -
1079 79A 156.975 156.975 F3E Intership for fishing vessels.
2079 79B - 161.575 F3E -
20 20 157.000 161.600 F3E -
1020 20A 157.000 157.000 F3E -
2020 20B - 161.600 F3E -
80 80 157.025 161.625 F3E -
1080 80A 157.025 157.025 F3E Intership for whale watching.
21 21 157.050 161.650 F3E CCG CMB.
1021 21A 157.050 - F3E DFO/CCG liaison.
2021 21B - 161.650 F3E CCG CMB.
81 81 157.075 161.675 F3E -
1081 81A 157.075 157.075 F3E DFO/CCG liaison.
22 22 157.100 161.700 F3E -
1022 22A 157.100 - F3E DFO/CCG liaison.
82 82 157.125 161.725 F3E DFO/CCG liaison.
1082 82A 157.125 157.125 F3E DFO/CCG liaison.
23 23 157.150 161.750 F3E Public Correspondence.
2023 23B - 161.750 F3E CCG CMB.
83 83 157.175 161.775 F3E CCG MSI Broadcast.
1083 83A 157.175 - F3E DFO/CCG liaison.
2083 83B - 161.775 F3E CCG CMB.
24 24 157.200 161.800 F3E Public Correspondence.
1024 24A 157.200 - G2B -
2024 24B 161.800 161.800 G2B  
84 84 157.225 161.825 F3E Public Correspondence.
1084 84A 157.225 - G2B -
2084 84B 161.825 161.825 G2B  
25 25 157.250 161.850 F3E CCG MSI Broadcast. Public Correspondence.
1025 25A 157.250 - G2B -
2025 25B 161.850 161.850 G2B  
85 85 157.275 161.875 F3E Public Correspondence.
1085 85A 157.275 - F3E  
2085 85B - 161.875 G2B  
26 26 157.300 161.900 F3E CCG MSI Broadcast. Public Correspondence.
1026 26A 157.300 - F3E -
2026 26B - 161.900 F3E -
86 86 157.325 161.925 G2B -
1086 86A 157.325 - G2B -
2086 86B - 161.925 F3E -
27 27 157.350 161.950 G2B Public Correspondence.
1027 27A 157.350 157.350 F3E  
2027 27B 161.950 161.950 G2B ASM-1 (effective 01/2019).
87 87 157.375 157.375 F3E Port operations. Ship movement.
28 28 157.400 162.000 F3E -
1028 28A 157.350 - F3E  
2028 28B 162.000 162.000 G2B ASM-2 (effective 01/2019).
88 88 157.425 157.425 F3E Port Operations. Ship movement.
2087 87B 161.975 161.975 G2B AIS-1.
2088 88B 162.025 162.025 G2B AIS-2.
WX2 WX2 - 162.400 F3E CCG CMB.
WX3 WX3 - 162.475 F3E CCG CMB.
WX1 WX1 - 162.550 F3E CCG CMB.


Reference VHF:

  • “A” following a channel number means Simplex Operation on the ship station transmitting frequency.
  • “B” following a channel number means ship stations receive only on the higher coast station transmission frequency.
  • ISED will be consulting with all Canadians on the outcome of the WRC-19 before implementing changes to RBR-2 and this table.

1.3 General Information on MCTS Listings

  1. Transmit and receive frequencies are listed in kHz and MHz, where applicable.
  2. The numbered areas mentioned in the remarks column of centres providing communications and special services are shown on the marine weather forecasts maps, and are listed in detail under the heading “Weather Forecast Areas” in Part 5.
  3. Frequencies for which the J3E single sideband modes of emission are shown in the MCTS Centre listings are designated by the carrier frequencies. The assigned frequencies are 1.4 kHz higher than the carrier frequencies listed. (This note also applies to the medium and high radiotelephone frequencies listed in the “Canadian Maritime Mobile Service Safety and Public Correspondence Communication Frequencies”, Section 1.2).
Table 1-3 - Legend for MCTS Acronyms
Abbreviation/Acronym Explanation
AIS Automatic Identification System
ASM Application Specific Messaging
CMB Continuous Marine Broadcast
DF Direction Finding
DFO/CCG Department of Fisheries and Oceans/Canadian Coast Guard
DSC Digital Selective Calling
F1B Radioteletype
F3E Radiotelephony, Frequency Modulation
G2B Phase modulation, digital information, automatic reception.
H+ This symbol followed by a number indicates minutes past the hour.
HF NBDP High Frequency Narrow-Band Direct-Printing Telegraphy
J3C Facsimile – Single-Sideband, Suppressed Carrier
J3E Radiotelephony – Single-Sideband, Suppressed Carrier
MCTS Marine Communications and Traffic Services
MMSI Maritime Mobile Service Identity
MSI Maritime Safety Information (Weather/Ice/Navigational Warnings)
NAVTEX Narrow Band Direct Printing telegraphy
NAVWARN Navigational Warning
RT Radiotelephony
SC Ship Control (Canal and Locks Operations)
UTC Coordinated Universal Time
VDES VHF Data Exchange System (pending development)
VTS Vessel Traffic Services

1.4 Telephone/Facsimile/ Telex Directory

Table 1-4 a) MCTS Centre - Telephone/Facsimile/ Telex Directory
MCTS Centre (Call Sign) Telephone Number Facsimile Number Telex Number Answer Back Code MMSI
Halifax, NS (VCS)
Service available in English and in French.
902-426-9750 902-426-4483 - - 003160016
Iqaluit, NU (VFF)
Service available in English and in French.
867-979-5269 East
867-979-0310 West
867-979-4264 063-15529 NORDREG CDA 003160023
Labrador (Happy Valley-Goose Bay), NL (VOK) 709-896-2252 709-896-8455 - - 003160022
Les Escoumins, QC (VCF)
Service available in English and in French.
418-233-2194 418-233-3299 - - 003160026
Placentia, NL (VCP) 709-227-2181
709-227-5637 - - 003160019
Port aux Basques, NL (VOJ)
Service available in English and in French.
709-695-2167 709-695-7784 - - 003160018
Prescott, ON (VBR)
Service available in English and in French.
613-925-4471 613-925-4519 - - 003160029
Québec, QC (VCC)
Service available in English and in French.
418-648-4427 418-648-7244 - - 003160027
Sarnia, ON (VBE) 519-336-4003 519-336-0229 - - 003160030
Sydney, NS (VCO)
Service available in English and in French.
902-564-7662 - - 003160017
Prince Rupert, BC (VAJ) 250-627-3070 250-624-9075 - - 003160013
Victoria, BC (VAK) 250-363-6333 250-363-6556 - - 003160011
Table 1-4 b) ECAREG Canada - Telephone/Facsimile/ Telex Directory
ECAREG Canada Telephone Number Facsimile Number Telex Number Answer Back Code MMSI
Halifax, NS
Service available in English and in French.
902-426-4956 902-426-4483 - - -
Les Escoumins, QC
Service available in English and in French.
418-233-3483 418-233-3299 - - -
Table 1-4 c) NORDREG Canada - Telephone/Facsimile/ Telex Directory
NORDREG Canada Telephone Number Facsimile Number Telex Number Answer Back Code MMSI
Iqaluit, NU
Operational from approximately mid-May until mid-December.
Service available in English and in French.
867-979-5724 867-979-4264 063-15529 NORDREG CDA 003160023
Les Escoumins, QC
Operational from approximately mid-December until mid-May.
Service available in English and in French.
418-233-3483 418-233-3299 063-15529 NORDREG CDA -
Table 1-4 d) VTS Offshore - Telephone/Facsimile/ Telex Directory
VTS Offshore Telephone Number Facsimile Number Telex Number Answer Back Code MMSI
Prince Rupert, BC 250-627-3071 - - - -
Table 1-4 e) NAVAREA XVII and XVIII - Telephone/Facsimile/ Telex Directory
NAVAREA XVII and XVIII Telephone Number Facsimile Number Telex Number Answer Back Code MMSI
Prescott, ON
Service available in English and in French.
613-925-0666 613-925-4519 - - -

1.5 Joint Rescue Coordination Centre (JRCC)/Maritime Rescue Sub-Centre (MRSC)

JRCC Halifax, Nova Scotia

Service available in English and in French


1-800-565-1582 Maritimes Region
1-800-563-2444 Newfoundland & Labrador Region
902-427-8200 Satellite, Local or Out of Area

Facsimile: 902-427-2114


MRSC St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador


1-800-563-2444 Newfoundland and Labrador Region
709-772-5151 Satellite, Local or Out of Area

Facsimile: 709-772-2224


MRSC Québec, Quebec

Service available in English and in French


1-800-463-4393 Québec Region
418-648-3599 Satellite, Local or Out of Area

Facsimile: 418-648-3614


JRCC Trenton, Ontario


1-800-267-7270 In Canada
613-965-3870 Satellite, Local or Out of Area

Facsimile: 613-965-7279


JRCC Victoria, British Columbia


1-800-567-5111 British Columbia and Yukon
250-413-8933 Satellite, Local or Out of Area
#727 Cellular (#SAR)


1.6 Icebreaking Services

Ice Atlantic

Telephone: 709-772-2078


Ice Montréal



1.7 Regional Office Addresses

Atlantic Region

Service available in English and in French.

Regional Superintendent
Marine Communications and Traffic Services
Canadian Coast Guard
P.O. Box 1000
Dartmouth NS  B2Y 3Z8

Telephone: 902-220-1005

Arctic Region

Service available in English.

Regional Superintendent
Marine Communications and Traffic Services
Canadian Coast Guard
301-5204 50th Avenue
Yellowknife, NT  X1A 1E2

Telephone: 867-444-0109

Central Region

Service available in English and in French

Regional Superintendent
Marine Communications and Traffic Services
Canadian Coast Guard
1550 Avenue D’Estimauville
Québec, QC  G1J 5E9

Telephone: 418-648-5522
Facsimile: 418-648-4877

Western Region

Regional Superintendent
Marine Communications and Traffic Services
Canadian Coast Guard
Institute of Ocean Sciences
9860 West Saanich Road
Sidney BC  V8L 5T5

Telephone: 250-363-8904 (Regional Administrative Assistant)


1.8 Regional Navigational Warning (NAVWARN) Issuing Desks

For more information on the Navigational Warning Service, refer to Part 4.3.1 of this manual.

Atlantic Region (North)
Port aux Basques MCTS Centre

“N” Series NAVWARNs
Service available in English and in French

Canadian Coast Guard
49 Stadium Rd.
P.O. Box 99
Port aux Basques NL  A0M 1C0

Telephone: 709-695-2168 or 1-800-563-9089
Facsimile: 709-695-7784


NAVWARN website:

Atlantic Region (South)
Sydney MCTS Centre

“M” Series NAVWARNs
Service available in English and in French

Canadian Coast Guard
1190 Westmount Road
Sydney NS  B1R 2J6

Telephone: 902-564-7751 or 1-800-686-8676
Facsimile: 902-564-7662


NAVWARN website:

Arctic Region
Iqaluit MCTS Centre

“A” Series NAVWARNs
Operational from approximately mid-May until mid-December
Service available in English and in French

Canadian Coast Guard
1063 Niuraivik Lane
Iqaluit NU  X0A 3H0

“A” Series NAVWARNs
Telephone: 867-979-5269 or
Telephone: 867-979-0310

Facsimile: 867-979-4264


NAVWARN website:

Central Region
Prescott MCTS Centre

“C” Series NAVWARNs
Service available in English and in French

Canadian Coast Guard
401 King Street West
P.O. Box 1000
Prescott ON  K0E 1T0

Telephone: 613-925-0666

Facsimile: 613-925-4519


NAVWARN website:

Western Region
Prince Rupert MCTS Centre

“P” Series NAVWARNs

Canadian Coast Guard
Bag 4444
Prince Rupert BC  V8J 4K2

Telephone: 250-627-3070


NAVWARN website:

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