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Annex C National Environmental Response Standards

The National Environmental Response Standards have been developed to provide regional planners specific guidelines with respect to the development of Regional Contingency and Geographically Specific Response Plans. These standards help to further define the Pattern of Response elements outlined in 4.3.1 Pattern of Response and ensure national consistency.

Each region shall integrate these standards in their Regional Contingency Plans and Geographically Specific Response Plans.

C.1 Geographically Specific Response Plans

Geographically specific response plans shall be completed to cover the entire region under the following priorities:

Required Information

The individual geographically specific response plans shall contain the following information, organized as follows:

C.2 Notification Call-out and Activation Assessment

The regional Superintendent Environmental Response is responsible for:

C.3 Assessment

The standard applies to individuals charged with the responsibility of conducting assessments once a report of marine pollution incident has been received.

The objective of the standard is to describe the acceptable end-state of the assessment of a report of a marine pollution incident received by the Canadian Coast Guard.

The assessment is complete 10 only when:

C.4  Assessment Termination

Upon termination the Canadian Coast Guard Incident Commander / Superintendent of Environmental Response (as appropriate) shall:

C.5 Activation

In support of activation, the Superintendent of Environmental Response shall:

C.6 Response Termination

In support of closing a case, the Superintendent of Environmental Response shall:

C.7 Regional Watchkeeping Officer

The Environmental Response Duty Officer is the 24-7 / 365 watchkeeping function of the Environmental Response branch and is charged with receiving and assessing a report of marine pollution. The regional Superintendent Environmental Response is responsible for:

Please note that this function will be transferred to the Regional Emergency Coordination Centre in accordance with the Environmental Response Concept of Operations.

C.8 Regional Response

The individual Regional Chapters shall contain the following information, organized as follows:

Response domains
Core response priorities The casualty The clean-up The continuity of the impacted resource

Safety of responders and the public

Provide for the safety and welfare of citizens and response personnel by (dd:mm / hh:mm).#
Conduct an operational risk assessment and ensure controls are in place to protect responders and the public by (dd:mm / hh:mm).#
Incident stabilization / Control of the scene Develop and implement a salvage plan by (dd:mm / hh:mm)* Initiate actions to stop, control, collect at / near the source to minimize the total volume released by (dd:mm / hh:mm).#
Contain, treat, and recover spilled materials from the water’s surface by
(dd:mm / hh:mm).#
Implement measures to limit usage of the impacted resource by
(dd:mm / hh:mm).*
Protection of the environment, infrastructure, and property Develop and implement a pollution impact mitigation plan by
(dd:mm / hh:mm).*
Develop and implement a transit plan to include final destination and berth for vessel(s) by
(dd:mm / hh:mm)*
Protect identified environmentally sensitive areas by (dd:mm / hh:mm).#
Haze, recover, and rehabilitate injured wildlife by (dd:mm / hh:mm).#
Conduct shoreline assessment by (dd:mm / hh:mm).#
Conduct pre-impact shoreline debris removal by (dd:mm / hh:mm).#
Conduct shoreline cleanup efforts by (dd:mm / hh:mm).#
Restore basic functionality of the impacted resource to facilitate the rapid resumption of normal usage by (dd:mm / hh:mm).*
Situational awareness Conduct damage/stability assessment of vessel by (dd:mm / hh:mm)*
Identify safe refuge/berth for impacted vessels by (dd:mm / hh:mm)*
Identify social, political, and economic issues by (dd:mm / hh:mm)*
Implement a coordinated response with regulatory and other law enforcement / investigating agencies by
(dd:mm / hh:mm)*
Conduct surveillance and monitoring operations of plume, air/water quality, presence and type of wildlife by (dd:mm / hh:mm)#
Identify environmentally sensitive areas, wildlife, habitats, and culturally significant properties by (dd:mm / hh:mm).*
Identify threatened species at risk by (dd:mm / hh:mm). #
Determine oil and hazardous substance fate and effect (trajectories by
(dd:mm / hh:mm).*
Investigate the potential for and, if feasible, use alternative technologies to support response efforts by (dd:mm / hh:mm).*
Identify social, political, and economic issues by (dd:mm / hh:mm).*
Implement a coordinated response with regulatory and other law enforcement / investigating agencies by (dd:mm / hh:mm).*
Identify impacts to resources by
(dd:mm / hh:mm).*
Identify constraints on impacted resource as a result of an incident by (dd:mm / hh:mm).*
Identify a pre-impact baseline for the impacted resource(s) by
(dd:mm / hh:mm).*
Identify social, political, and economic issues by (dd:mm / hh:mm).*
Implement a coordinated response with regulatory and other law enforcement / investigating agencies by (dd:mm / hh:mm).*
Community engagement Establish an information transfer process to facilitate communications with stakeholders and organizations by (dd:mm / hh:mm).*
Establish a Joint Information Centre (JIC) with partner / stakeholder agencies by (dd:mm / hh:mm).*
Develop and implement multi-language/culture outreach program by (dd:mm / hh:mm).*
Establish a Volunteer Management Program and assign a coordinator by (dd:mm / hh:mm).*
Establish a Vessels of Opportunity Program and assign a coordinator by (dd:mm / hh:mm).*
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