Language selection


242 - Seaphase

Course hours

  • Theory: 100 hours in a 4 month period
  • Lab: 0
  • Field work: 4 months
  • Total: 4 months


The first sea training phase that engineering officer cadets attend. Officer cadets will experience the practical side of the theory and simulations covered in regular classes. They'll receive primary training in the specific job functions of the various crew positions that they'll work with.

During seaphase, officer cadets will understand:

  • shipboard systems
  • emergency procedures
  • duties and responsibilities of all personnel on board the vessel

Officer cadets will conduct written exercises on topics that include:

  • ship safety
  • auxiliary systems
  • naval architecture
  • main engine systems
  • ship's service generators and electrical systems

Officer cadets will conduct:

  • electrical maintenance
  • watch-keeping routines
  • safety equipment maintenance
  • auxiliary systems routines and maintenance
  • auxiliary machinery and main engine maintenance tasks

Officer cadets will participate in live exercises and practical work in a marine engineering environment.

During seaphase training, all officer cadets are required to complete a detailed sea training manual that tracks all of the items covered during this practicum.

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