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Waterways management

Navigation data for major rivers and other waterways, and water levels and resources across Canada.

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National services

Levels of service

Objectives of the Waterways Program, services and standards for waterways and commercial shipping channels, including monitoring, maintenance and information on bottom conditions and water depth.

Safe waterways guidelines

Guidelines for design, maintenance, and safe use of commercial waterways and shipping channels.

Tides, currents and water levels

Predicted times and heights of high and low tides, as well as times and speeds of weak and strong currents.

Water survey of Canada

Water resource data and hydrometric information from all of Canada’s lakes and rivers.

Navigational warnings (NAVWARNs)

Navigational warnings, shoal information, downloadable lists and enforced notices.

Notices to Mariners (NOTMAR)

Notices for updating charts and nautical references.

Canadian tide and current tables

Predicted times and heights of the high and low waters. Slack water times and maximum current times and velocities.

Regional services

Fraser River Avadepth system

Channel bottom conditions and forecasts of water depths for the main channels of the Fraser River.

Central region (St. Lawrence & Great lakes) publications

Water level forecasts for the St. Lawrence ship channel, channel bottom conditions, under-keel clearance table (St. Lawrence only)

Maintenance dredging service fees (St. Lawrence)

Rates, fee schedule, invoicing and payments for commercial vessels transiting the St. Lawrence ship channel.

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